Journal Entry #5

  1. 04/10/2024 – 12:30pm – Bits Tables.
  2. Sounds farthest away from me: cars driving by, buzzing, the occasional honking.
  3. Sounds at medium range: people talking as they walk by, birds chirping, somebody on a skateboard, the wind.
  4. Sounds closest to me: people talking at the table next to me, typing on my computer keyboard, drink sipping and swirling, bags crunching.
  5. The general sound level is quiet and controlled. The amount of sound activity is constant, with occasional peaks or gaps.
  6. Description word: tranquil.
  7. Essential sounds: nature, people, and general movement.

Still Haven’t Moved Log #6


Farthest Sound- Someone watching TV down stairs, people laughing in the lounge, and that heater thing acting up again.

Medium Distance- My suite mates laughing and talking about what school work they need to get done this weekend, people going through the now working back gate.

Closest Distance- My dorm rooms A/C going full blast, my play list entitled ‘bops’ is playing, and my rap tap tapping on my key board.

Sound Description- Medium level, the house feels alive and lived in.

Important Sounds- The people down stairs, the A/C, and the music

Field Recording

location: the student center

sounds: me walking, people talking, chairs screeching, kitchen equipment clanking

Journal Entry

  1. Date: February 28, 2018
    Time: 7:14 PM
    Location: Nassau/Suffolk downstairs lounge
  2. Farthest: someone opening a packet of cookies
  3. Medium: people talking, the tv on, laughing
  4. Closest: me zipping up my jacket and walking through the hall
  5. General sound level: medium
    General sound activity: medium
  6. One word description: usual
  7. 3 important sounds: conversations, the tv, walking across the floor

Crivelli #2

Location: Bits & Bites 2:27 PM 2/7/18


  1. Farthest: I can hear the door opening on the other side of the wall with people walking through it.
  2. Medium: I can hear tables and chairs moving around
  3. Closest: The conversations and people talking very loudly.
  4. Busy
  5. Three essential sounds for this environment are: people walking fast, the chairs moving around, the sound of people talking this is pretty much the easiest way to tell you’re in Bits