Posts Tagged ‘student center’

2/22/24 – 12:51PM – The Student Center

Sounds farthest from me: People talking at different volumes across the Student Center, the workers making drinks, kitchen noises from other food places.

Sounds at a medium range from me: The music playing from the speakers, chairs moving, wrappers crinkling.

Closest to me: My friends’ conversation, keyboard clacking, my friend’s jewelry clanking as she writes.

Sound level: The sound level is medium to high – there is a lot of high volume volumes happening around. There are a lot of people at the Student Center at common hour all talking loudly. The metal dishes at Starbucks are loud as well.

Sound activity: There is a lot of sound activity. There is a lot of people talking and a lot of general physical activity happening that creates a lot of noise.

One work description for the sound environment: Noisy

Three sounds that are essential to the sound environment: Starbucks noises, my friends talking, music playing in Starbucks.

Location: the middle of the student center (during common hour).

The sounds heard in this clip consists of people walking/talking about, my friend (who was sitting across from me) singing, my friend clicking her pen, my drink being swirled around, my papers/trash being crushed and moved around, and quiet thuds or booms of things being placed/dropped in the very background.

Location: Table at Starbucks in the Student Center, 12:46 pm

Sounds Heard: 

  • “The Greatest” by Sia playing 
  • Avery (who gave permission to be recorded) singing/humming/and scatting along to the song 
  • Avery talking
  • Chairs moving 
  • Food being unwrapped
  • Keys clanging on a table nearby
  • Muffled talking and laughing of people in the student center
  • Beeping of Starbucks microwave 
  • People talking at the table next to us

The balcony of the student center at around 6:30pm. Music blasting from the Starbucks speakers right below us as my friends and I eat and watch the last scene of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 at 2:37pm

Location: The field outside the back of stu

Farthest Sounds: cars driving by the main road, a plane every once in a while, music and talking/laughing from another group sitting outside, the sound of a football being thrown and also dropped

Medium Sounds: a group of girls laughing near us about something probably not that funny, birds chirping, wind picking up here and there, people filming outside, workers standing around doing absolutely nothing and yelling to each other about God knows what

Closest Sounds: my music playing softly while the tequila show blasts, we’re all cracking up at the performance, the sound of a wrapper as some people in the group reach for Girl Scout cookies, talking amongst the group, ice being shaken around in Starbucks drinks, grass being walked over, bags moving

Sound Description / Level: lively and peaceful at once— this day off really felt like summer and it was a very pleasant noisiness — a reminder that things are looking much better and happier this time this year compared to last year

Important Sounds: the tequila show, music and talking from various sources and distances, the wind (which created the summer feel with its physical feel, its sound, and the scents it carried)

Location: Student Center

Sounds In Clip: The automatic doors opening; People talking and laughing; A metal object banging against another solid object; Chairs being scraped across the floor; Footsteps as some people are walking past

When & Where: 02/09/2020 6:02pm Balcony above the Student Center Starbucks

Far Sounds: A Heavy door slamming shut occasionally, Chatter of dozens of people eating, music

Medium Sounds: People ordering coffee, Baristas, latte machines, ice being served and poured, a cash register printing receipts, a blender

Close Sounds: keys jingling, footsteps, keystrokes on a laptop a few seats away,

General Level: loud

One-word Description: Bustling

Essential Three Sounds: Baristas, tons of dinner time chatter, distant music

(my apologies for the late post — I just forgot about the assignment until last night)

  1. Location: 2/14/19, 6:30pm, Student Center
  2. Farthest Sounds: beeping sounds from kiosks, food workers talking, coffee machine at Starbucks, footsteps
  3. Medium sounds: forks/silverware being dispensed, people in conversation, laughter, metal chairs moving
  4. Closest sounds: fizz of soda inside bottle, music playing through headphones, people eating their food near me, backpacks unzipping, person speaking on the phone
  5. The sound level is medium, it’s the dinner hour so more people are coming into the student center to get food and meet up with friends
  6. One word description: casual
  7. Three essential sounds: kiosk beeping, food workers talking, metal chairs moving

Location: Student Center, in line at Freshens.

Sounds heard: People talking, footsteps, card machines beeping, yawning, a cart rolling by.

location: the student center

sounds: me walking, people talking, chairs screeching, kitchen equipment clanking

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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