Journal Entry #11

  1. 4/15/2020, 5:30pm, Jones Beach Fishing Piers
  2. Cars speeding in the distance, airplane & wind blowing in the trees.
  3. Car doors slamming, cars starting/shutting off, people talking, and boats cruising by.
  4. Waves crashing along shore, seagulls, & fishing lines being casted.
  5. The sound level is very quiet since I was in a very open space and the sounds were spread apart.  The amount of sound activity was also low since I could easily distinguish a few specific sounds.
  6. Tranquil.
  7. Seawaves, fishing lines, & seagulls.

Journal Entry #10

  1. 4/9/2020, 1:15pm, 7/11
  2. Cars outside driving by, the wind, & music playing in the backroom.
  3. Door opening/closing, doorbell, car door slamming, & car starting. 
  4. Fridge door opening/closing, credit card machine beep, & cash drawer opening/closing. 
  5. The sound level is low and relaxed.  There were no sounds that were loud and ear-piercing.  The amount of sound activity was moderate since there were sounds happening at the same time, but could still be pointed out.  
  6. Casual. 
  7. Cash drawer, credit card machine, & fridge door. 

Journal Entry #9

  1. 4/1/2020, 5.30pm, Chipotle
  2. Cars driving by outside, car honks & wind outside.
  3. Door opening/closing, car beep from locking it, & music playing in the back room.
  4. Meat sizzling, oven beeping, workers talking, paper to-go bags opening, & food containers opening/closing.
  5. The sound level was quite low since Chipotle is only take-out and no customers were inside.  The amount of sound activity was high since all the workers were preparing food orders. 
  6. Balanced. 
  7. Food sizzling, food containers opening/closing, and to-go bags prepared. 

Journal Entry #8

  1. 3/26/2020, 7:40pm, Kitchen (Housemate making dinner)
  2. Car driving by outside, dog barking outside, & sirens in the distance.
  3. Housemate running up/down stairs, door shutting upstairs, & music playing in housemate’s room.
  4. Oven opening/closing, water running, aluminum foil, sizzling, microwave timer, seasoning being spread, & slicing.   
  5. The sound level is moderate, since I’m sitting right next to the kitchen and can hear everything clearly.  The amount of sound activity is limited since cooking sounds don’t overpower each other. 
  6. Calm. 
  7. Oven, sizzling & slicing. 

Journal Entry #7

  1. 3/12/2020, 2:55pm, Trader Joe’s in Westbury, NY.
  2. Sliding doors opening/closing, cars driving outside, & shopping carts pushed against each other outside.
  3. Bells ringing at cash registers, cardboard being ripped & broken down, shopping carts rolling around, customers talking & background music playing.
  4. Time clock beeping, footsteps, paper grocery bags opening, & item scanner beeping.
  5. The sound level is medium because the sounds aren’t loud enough where they clash and you can’t pinpoint individual sounds.  The amount of sound activity was very high because there were at least 10 sounds that I could identify.  
  6. Hectic.
  7. Food item scanner, shopping carts, & paper grocery bags.