Journal Entry #1

2/9/2024, 7:03 PM ET, My dorm room

The farthest sound from me is the dull sound of cars speeding by on the road close to my dorm. It’s a dull roaring sound that starts just loud enough to be noticeable and fades quickly as they get further away.

A bit closer to me is the loud rumble of my air conditioning system that turned on a few seconds before I started typing. It’s the loudest thing in my room, incessant and powerful.

The closest sound to me is the Sims idling music, a happy little tune playing from my computer while it waits for me to return my attention to it.

The sound level, in general, is a relative quiet, only broken by the air conditioner when she decides my room is not yet cold enough. As I type currently, the sound of my dorm is peaceful and relaxed.

The word I would use to describe it would be calm.

Important sounds: the hum of my computer as she works oh so hard, the dull, heavy rattling of a truck passing by, and the click the air conditioner makes to signal she’s turning on.

Sound Journal #1

2/7/24 – 1:30PM – My dorm

Sounds farthest from me: My suitemates talking in the other room, my suitemate opening the fridge, someone unlocking and opening their door down the hall.

Sounds at a medium range from me: The heater, my fan next to my bed, my roommate walking into my room and grabbing something from her desk.

Closest to me: the music playing from my phone, me typing on my computer, my foot tapping the floor.

Sound level: The sound level is relatively low, since there are only three of us home. My music is louder than the rest of the sounds in my dorm – so that specific sound level is higher.

Sound activity: There is a small amount of sound activity because there are only three of us. The TV and other appliances aren’t on, and my suitemates are having a relatively quiet conversation.

One work description for the sound environment: Familiar

Three sounds that are essential to the sound environment: My roommates talking, my fan, and the sound of my keyboard

Journal Entry #5

April 14th, 5:00pm – my dorm with the door wide open

Farthest Away: people talking down the hall, sirens from outside

Medium Range: My roommate moving around on her bed and the sound of the HVAC blowing out air on high, a door closing a few rooms away from me

Closest: the paper towel dispenser, the bathroom door opening and closing

Sound Level: mostly a medium sound level with the paper towels and doors being able to drown out the HVAC just for a split second.

Sound Activity: Inconsistent. The background noises go in and out with the HVAC being the only sound that is constant

Description: Mundane

Essential Sounds:

  • HVAC
  • Paper Towel Dispenser
  • Roommate moving around on her bed

Journal Entry #3 – Barone

  1. Date: 2/13/20 – Time: 7:30pm – Location: My Dorm (Colonial Square East)
  2. The farthest sound from me is the faint noise of a blowdryer being used by someone across the hall.
  3. From a medium range of sound, I can hear the air vent blowing out air from my lounge.
  4. The closest sounds from me are my fingers typing on my laptop and the ticking from my clock.
  5. The general sound level is pretty quiet and there is very little sound activity since there isn’t much sound from where I am.
  6. One word to describe the “sound environment” is relaxing.
  7. 3 sounds that are essential to the “sound environment” is the air vent blowing out air in my lounge, my fingers typing on my laptop, and my clock ticking in my room.

Journal Entry #2

  1. Date/Time/Info: 2/6/20, 11:19pm, Enterprise Hall 8th Floor

2. Close: Mini-fridge humming, Spotify playing Mahalia, laptop keys clicking

3. Medium: Someone showering in the bathroom across from my room, neighbors in double next door talking loudly

4. Far: Toilet flush on the opposite side of the floor, elevator ding, bedroom door opening and slamming shut, cars driving by outside window

5. Sound Level: Occasional loud screeches from neighbors (but muffled by wall) and doors slamming shut behind people. Overall quiet, sounds from outside are masked by the window and mini-fridge so they seem far away.

6. One word: Hushed

7. Essential Sounds: Mini-fridge, shower, elevator dings

Sound Journal 3

  1. February 17 2017, 8:00 A.M, Alliance Hall
  2. There is a muffled sound of a shower running, and a plane can be heard flying overhead, and the ding of an elevator arriving.
  3. Doors opening and closing and people yelling on the floor below.
  4. My stuffy nose leads to a lot of sniffing and my computer is making a constant humming noise.
  5. quiet
  6. busy
  7. The opening and closing of the doors, the elevator arriving, and my computer humming.

Sound Journal #1

  1. February 2, 2017. 8:30 a.m. – My Room
  2. Close Sounds: The radiator running on low heat.
  3. Medium Sounds: Dings of the elevator, residents walking around in the hallway.
  4. Far Sounds: Strong wind outside my window, traffic horns from the
  5. Sound Level: Low
  6. Environment: Calm
  7. Three Essential Sounds: The radiator, the elevator, the wind

Sound Journal 1

  1. February 2, 2017. 11:30 P.M. My Room
  2. There is a faint hum of voices from the TV of the room next to me. There is the moving of chairs on the floor above me.
  3. I can hear the hum of my computer and my  refrigerator. I can also hear the buzzing of the fluorescent light.
  4. I can hear my breath and the small creaks when I move my  neck.
  5. sound level: Low
  6. Calm
  7. The three essential sounds to this environment are the buzzing of the Light, the hum of the fridge and the muffled voices from the TV

Journal Entry 12

  1. When/Where: 4/25/2016; 7:25 p.m.; my dorm
  2. Farthest: the shower running, my neighbor slamming her door, cars driving by outside
  3. Medium: Lana Del Rey playing on my TV, the blinds being moved by the wind
  4. Closest: the fan blowing on my face, me tapping on my keyboard, me chewing my gum
  5. Level: medium
  6. One word: relaxing
  7. 3 sounds: driving, singing, humming