Location: Bits & Bytes
Sounds Heard: People talking at other tables, beeping of items being scanned at the register, me putting my metal water bottle down, people walking/shuffling around the space, laughing
Tag Archives: Laughter
Field Recording #2
Location: a house concert.
The sounds heard in this clip consists of singing, quiet drumming, guitar strumming, people talking, laughter, and applause/cheering.
Field Recording 3
Location: The Stu Atrium
Sounds Heard: a fan blowing in the background, reverberating voices, incomprehensible conversations, snippets of sentences from passersby, doors shutting, heavy cart rolling by, kitchen utensils clanging, papers shuffling and crumpling, laughter.
Sound Journal #5~~~~Kaitlyn Bancroft
- 04/14/2022-2:30pm- On a bench outside of Calkins Hall.
- Farthest Sounds: laughs from people sitting on the quad, traffic from cars on the nearby road
- Medium Sounds: the crunching of soil as a Hofstra Plant worker shovels into the ground, birds chirping in the trees above the bench.
- Closest Sounds: loud slamming of tap shoes hitting the floor from the opened window of a classroom in Calkins right above the bench, the flipping of pages in the notebook on my lap as a breeze comes through.
- There is a fair amount of sound activity, but it is really spaced out making it seem quiet or as if there is not that much occurring.
- One Word: Melodic
- The sound of the tap dancing is absolutely needed to maintain this environment, ever since doing musical theatre in high school I have always found the sound of tap shoes hitting the floor to be a pleasant sound thus the choice to pick melodic. The birds chirping and distant laughing also contributes. Being outside and seeing others outside enjoying the warm weather really indicated that we are in a new season. It felt very soothing to be outside and away from just sitting in a classroom, and it felt good to see others enjoying this time as well.
Journal Entry #4- Gabby Macallister
Date: April 3rd, 2022,
Location and Time: My bed, 7:57pm
Far Sounds: The dryer running, the tv going downstairs, an ambulance driving by, plane flying overhead, car honking
Medium Sounds: Housemates talking downstairs, people walking by my window talking, typing, housemate moving chair in their room
Close Sounds: Housemate laughing, the shower running upstairs, housemate slamming fridge, pouring water from a britta filter, Mishka running down the stairs, Harry Styles playing
Sound Description/Level: low, mostly quiet
One Word: comfortable
Most Important Sounds: Mishka running down the stairs, housemates laughter people walking and talking
Field Recording #2~~ Kaitlyn Bancroft
Location: Seafood Restaurant Carle Place New York
Sounds heard:
- woman laughing across the room
- scrapping of forks across the plate
- clinking of wine glasses, as they are moved around on the table
- at the end there is cracking as a crab leg is split open
- thuds as plates are placed on the table
Field Recording – Crivelli
Psibrary 3:30 PM
talking, laughter, conversation, intelligable voices, water bottle hitting table
field recording 6
Talene and I at Mac and Melts, Talene and I eating tutor tots, bumping over our water bottles, laughing and the soft music in the background while we eat dinner. 8:00pm
Journal Entry
- Date: March 14, 2018, 11:35am Saltzman Center Daycare
- Farthest: doors squeaking when they close
- Medium: kids talking and laughing
- Closest: children clapping simultaneously to show that they’re listening to the teacher
- General sound level: loud
General sound activity: loud - One word description: fun
- 3 important sounds: children laughing, clapping, giggling, feet shuffling, doors closing, teacher hollering
Journal Entry
1) Student Center Bookstore, 4:45 pm, 2/14/18
2) Farthest- People talking and walking over the Unispan, people talking in the lower level of the bookstore, someone playing music somewhere inside the student center
3)Medium- The cashier helping someone at the desk, lots of talking and laughing from the tables set up right outside the bookstore
4) Closest- Two people talking to each other next to me, my stomach growling, my breathing, a shirt falling off the hanger I was holding
5) Sound level- very high, intense and exciting because it was valentines day
6) Word- Active
7) Three sounds- music playing, people talking and laughter outside the bookstore