Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Location: my bedroom

In this recording, you can hear me moving my cat in my lap and the sound of my air conditioner. It is a very quiet night as I sit and do homework.

Location: my kitchen

In this field recording, you can hear my roommates talking and my cat purring. It is a very typical night at home, and all of us are talking about the recent club elections my roommate just had.

Location: my living room

In this recording, you can hear my girlfriend and I bullying the cat as my roommate types on their computer. The air conditioner is going, and you can occasionally hear me hiccuping.

5/8 8:26pm Playhouse greenroom

In this recording you can hear the music from the Danceworks piece currently on the stage. You can also hear laughter and chatter from dancers in the greenroom as well as my typing.

Location: The subway, NY City

Sounds: chatter, phone calls, talking

Location: Wall St. & Broadway, NY City

Sounds: Talking, footsteps, cars


Time: 7:45 pm

Location: my living room

Sounds closest: my computer humming, my roommate’s music playing

Sounds in medium distance: cat meowing in the bathroom, bottles occasionally falling over when she knocks them over

Sounds furthest: people milling around downstairs

One word: relaxing

Sound level: low

Most important sounds: music, cat, bottles falling over

Location: My Kitchen

Sounds: Neighbor’s lawn mower, friends talking outside (and making bird noises), actual bird noises, fridge humming.

April 30, 4:52. My livingroom.

The sounds that are furthest away from me: Cars and birds outside, footsteps upstairs.
The sounds that are a medium distance from me: The fridge and ice-maker in the kitchen.
The sounds that are closest to me: Adventure Time on the TV, friends talking.
The sound level of the space: Medium
One word description: Fun
Three sounds that are most important to the environment: TV, friends, ice-maker.

Class 12:00PM School of Communication

Sounds closest to me- Sounds of a video playing from the speaker my professor is playing

Sounds medium distance- a tour guide giving a tour through the wall right behind me

Sounds furthest – people lightly typing on laptops

sound level – pretty loud. The contrasting sounds of the tour and video are overstimulating

description – overstimulating

essential sounds – the tour and the video

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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