Journal Entry #4


1- 4/10/24 – 12:35 – Tables outside of Bits ‘n’ Bytes

2- People talking on the other side of the quad, cars driving down the turnpike, shuffled steps on the concrete.
3- Birds chirping, someone’s heels clacking on the cement as they walk, leaves rustling in the wind, someone’s keys jangling as they walk.
4- My friend typing at the computer next to me, an airplane flying overhead, someone laughing at the table next to me, the ice in my drink shifting as I pick it up and take a sip, the sound of someone’s skateboard as they skate by my table.
5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity – Sound level: low and quiet; Sound activity: relatively high, there are a lot of different noises and sounds outside.
6- Peaceful.
7- The birds, the ambience voices throughout the quad, and the steps and general movement of the people passing by.

Field Recording #3

Location: Bits & Bytes
Sounds Heard: People talking at other tables, beeping of items being scanned at the register, me putting my metal water bottle down, people walking/shuffling around the space, laughing

Journal Entry 3

  1. 03/08/2023 – 1:55 PM – Outside of the Graduate Residence Hall
    Far away: The Hofstra Shuttle moving around, footsteps
    Medium: Very windy, some cars driving, someone locking their car with the alarm
    Closest: Birds, the gardeners trimming the grass and collecting shavings in garbage bags
    The sound level is medium.
    Descriptor: Tranquil
    The essential sounds are: the soft footsteps, the wind, and the gardeners.