Posts Tagged ‘Field Recording’
Location: my bedroom
In this recording, you can hear me moving my cat in my lap and the sound of my air conditioner. It is a very quiet night as I sit and do homework.
Location: my kitchen
In this field recording, you can hear my roommates talking and my cat purring. It is a very typical night at home, and all of us are talking about the recent club elections my roommate just had.
Location: my living room
In this recording, you can hear my girlfriend and I bullying the cat as my roommate types on their computer. The air conditioner is going, and you can occasionally hear me hiccuping.
Bits’ n’ Bytes – 3:36 PM
Sounds: Various chatter throughout the room, the blender, a squeaking noise, various kitchen noises, ice moving in a cup
2:36 PM, my living room
In this recording you can hear sniffling, chip. bags crinkling, the Bob’s Burgers intro as well as the scene starting, typing, doors closing, and footsteps.
Location: Bernon Hall
Identify the sounds heard in the clip: my co-workers talking, my co-workers discussing math, the music playing from the radio, computers clacking, ice moving in a cup, my friend sneezing and me saying “bless you.”
My kitchen 7:32 PM
Sounds heard: Keurig brewing, my housemates laughing and talking in the other room, my phone hitting the counter, refrigerator doors opening, things being placed on the counter, refrigerator doors closing, really awesome high pitched laughter.
Location: Studio B, The Lawrence Herbert School of Communication
Sounds heard: laughing, overlapping voices, clapping, people rehearsing lines, people talking about Beyoncé
**I received consent from everyone in this recording to post it here
Location: Living room
In this you can hear my housemate telling me that our snail died. Really cool timing. You can also hear shuffling around in the kitchen, and me reacting to the news.
Location: Blackbox lobby
Sounds: people speaking inaudibly in the background, someone singing a little tune, slightly more distinct yet still difficult to understand conversations, Phoebe talking about her sister coming to visit, laughing