Posts Tagged ‘Michelle Pavloff’

Date: April 27, 2022

Location and Time: Upstairs living room of Broadfield, 10:48 pm

Far Sounds: Cars driving in the distance, faint electrical buzzing of lights

Medium Sounds: Gusts of wind, car door closing and locking outside, voices talking outside

Close Sounds: Anna picking her press on nails off, Andrew walking in the hallway, closing the bathroom door

Sound Description/Level: Low, relaxed

One Word Description: Composed

Most Important Sounds: Cars, wind, Anna picking her nails off

Location and Time: 4:02 pm, upstairs living room at Broadfield

Sounds Heard:

Date: April 15th

Time:  10:54 pm

Location: Downstairs living room of my house

Far Sounds: Joey and Ben laughing and talking upstairs, thudding from upstairs

Medium Sounds: Avery’s friend on the phone, rain, the washing machine

Close Sounds: Avery talking to her friend on the phone

Sound Description/Level: Low level, fairly quiet and casual

One Word: Gentle

Most Important Sounds: Avery talking on the phone and her friend responding, the rain, and washing machine

Location and time: Jones Beach, 5:30 pm. 

Sounds Heard: 

  • Heavy rustling of wind
  • Birds squawking
  • Ocean waves   

Date: April 3, 2022

Location and time: Downstairs living room of my house, 2:00 pm

Far Sounds: Slight knocking of the water heater, electrical buzzing of refrigerator, car honking in the distance

Medium Sounds: Thudding of footsteps upstairs, closing drawers, airplane flying overhead, birds chirping

Close Sounds: Whirring of mini fridge, my typing, knocking at the door

Sound Description/ Level: Quiet, low level

One Word: Sedate

Most Important Sounds: Electrical buzzing, footsteps, typing, knocking

Location: My kitchen, Friday 3/18, 4 pm.

Sounds Heard:

  • Water running
  • Clanging of dishes in the sink
  • Scrubbing of sponge 
  • Banging of cutting board against the sink 

Date: March 8, 2022

Location and Time: Psibrary in Lowe, 4:08 pm

Far Sounds: students rehearsing in musical theater class, footsteps going upstairs

Medium Sounds: freshman talking, laughing, and singing in the drounge, opening and closing of Lowe doors

Close Sounds: Nicole and Olivia typing on their computers, Olivia adjusting her chair 

Sound Description/ Level: Energetic, loud

One Word: Bustling 

Most important sounds: people talking, doors opening and closing

Location: Table at Starbucks in the Student Center, 12:46 pm

Sounds Heard: 

  • “The Greatest” by Sia playing 
  • Avery (who gave permission to be recorded) singing/humming/and scatting along to the song 
  • Avery talking
  • Chairs moving 
  • Food being unwrapped
  • Keys clanging on a table nearby
  • Muffled talking and laughing of people in the student center
  • Beeping of Starbucks microwave 
  • People talking at the table next to us

Date: February 27, 2022

Location and Time: The Joan and Donald Schaeffer Black Box Theater, 1:50 pm 

Far Sounds: Muffled chatter of audience members sitting farther away from me, the faint pinging of a sound effect from the show, a phone falling out of someone’s pocket and hitting the ground

Medium Sounds: Clanging of seats as people were getting settled, Sigma Capella’s ICCA set playing on a phone a few rows ahead of me, Avery, Ben, and Cindy talking, someone coughing

Close Sounds: Joey speaking to me, footsteps of people approaching seats

Sound Description/Level: Light, casual pre-show chatter, not too noisy

One Word: Cheery

Most Important Sounds: People talking, accapella music, jingling of seats 

Date: February 11, 2022

Location and Time: ABP on Hofstra Campus, 3:05 pm

Far Sounds: clanging of replacing soup containers, ABP door squeaking open, bathroom door opening (heavier metal sound)

Medium Sounds: Sounds from video playing on woman’s phone sitting at a table farther away, plastic bottle dropping on the ground, keys clanging 

Close Sounds: rustling unwrapping of sandwich paper, pair of people sitting at booth to my right talking, laughing, and signing, radio music playing over speaker, chair scooting closer to table, Nicole talking, me chewing (internal), twisting water bottle open and closed, metal water bottle hitting and sliding on the table, Nicole’s fingers tapping on table, my feet tapping on the floor 

Sound Description/Level: Fairly loud, though there aren’t that many people in here they are engaged in enthusiastic conversations, the music is playing quite audibly

One Word: Lively

Most Important Sounds: Music, people talking, and doors opening/closing

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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