Location: The Quad, between ABP and Roosevelt Hall.
Sounds heard: High hum from machinery, rustling of dry leaves, harsh and soft winds, distant cars, rubbing of
Location: The Quad, between ABP and Roosevelt Hall.
Sounds heard: High hum from machinery, rustling of dry leaves, harsh and soft winds, distant cars, rubbing of
Date: February 11, 2022
Location and Time: ABP on Hofstra Campus, 3:05 pm
Far Sounds: clanging of replacing soup containers, ABP door squeaking open, bathroom door opening (heavier metal sound)
Medium Sounds: Sounds from video playing on woman’s phone sitting at a table farther away, plastic bottle dropping on the ground, keys clanging
Close Sounds: rustling unwrapping of sandwich paper, pair of people sitting at booth to my right talking, laughing, and signing, radio music playing over speaker, chair scooting closer to table, Nicole talking, me chewing (internal), twisting water bottle open and closed, metal water bottle hitting and sliding on the table, Nicole’s fingers tapping on table, my feet tapping on the floor
Sound Description/Level: Fairly loud, though there aren’t that many people in here they are engaged in enthusiastic conversations, the music is playing quite audibly
One Word: Lively
Most Important Sounds: Music, people talking, and doors opening/closing
2/19/20 – 1:00pm – ABP
Farthest Sounds: The air conditioner softly blowing air, The workers calling out the names of the orders, the sound of cards swiping at registers, the soft playing music
Medium Distance Sounds: There is a loud table telling jokes with each other and laughing out loud, many other people talking,doors are constantly opening and closing with loud gusts of wind each time one is opened, the sound of chairs moving constantly
Closest Sounds: The sound of rubber as I move in a booth, the sound of typing on keyboards all around me, and the sound of the water fountain right behind me.
General Sound Level: Loud
Room Definition: Noisy
Essential Sounds: Chairs moving constantly, Loud people talking, and doors opening and closing
4/4/2018, 6:03 PM, crosswalk in between Monroe and ABP
Farthest: people chattering as they walk away
Medium: the wind blowing in my ears
Closest: music blasting from someone’s car
Sound Level: high
Name of sound: obxinous
Three important sounds: car engine humming, music, footsteps
Location/Time: Au Bon Pain, 1:00 p.m., April 25th
Sounds Heard: music playing in the background, people in the cafe chatting, people at my table talking to me, laughing.
Location/Time: Au Bon Pain, 1:00 p.m. on Monday
Sounds Heard: playing “Happy” over the radio, talking of the people in the restaurant, talking from the table I’m at, crunching of food wrappers, laughter, “singing”
Location: ABP
Sounds: Music playing, people talking in the background, typing and something shuffling.
Au Bon Pain 6 pm April 29, 2014
Sounds farthest away:
Sounds at medium range:
Sounds at close range
General sound level:
The room is a comfortable volume. Not as loud as it usually is, and not as crowded so it is much more tolerable than usual.
One word description:
Three important sounds:
1- Date/Time/Location.
3.6.13/midday/Au Bon Pain
2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
The thumping of speakers playing a poppy, overplayed tune, people chattering
3- Identify and list the sounds at medium range from you.
Someone dropping silverware, people speaking, someone laughing loudly
4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
A chair scraping against the floor as someone pushes away from the table, a girl speaking loudly, braggingly about her grades in a glass, a boy talking to a girl about someone.
5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
Highly active–loud.
6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.
7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
The pop tune, laughter, people speaking