Journal Entry #3

3/9/24 – 6:36 – My Bedroom

Farthest Sound : Cars driving on the freeway, Sound of Planes passing by

Medium Sound : Whirling of the wind, voices from the street

Closest : Raindrops hitting my closest window, housemates walking outside

Not much sound activity, minimal and generally quiest which makes it easier to pick up on the individual sounds

Description : Calming

Essential Sounds : Raindrops, Wind, Cars


Journal Entry #3

3/9/2024, 2:02 PM ET, Broadfield

The sound furthest away from me is very quiet rumbling and banging of the dryer downstairs.

A sound a bit closer to me is high-pitched humming sound of the fridge on the right behind the wall.

The sound closest to me is Sophie watching TikToks on the couch to the left of me.

The sound level is very quiet, to the point where you could probably hear a pin drop.

The word I would use to describe the sound environment is hushed.

Three sounds essential to the sound environment are the sound of a phone buzzing, Sophie’s soft tapping on her phone, and the humming.

Sound Journal 4 – Michelle Pavloff

Date: April 3, 2022

Location and time: Downstairs living room of my house, 2:00 pm

Far Sounds: Slight knocking of the water heater, electrical buzzing of refrigerator, car honking in the distance

Medium Sounds: Thudding of footsteps upstairs, closing drawers, airplane flying overhead, birds chirping

Close Sounds: Whirring of mini fridge, my typing, knocking at the door

Sound Description/ Level: Quiet, low level

One Word: Sedate

Most Important Sounds: Electrical buzzing, footsteps, typing, knocking

Journal Entry

  1. date/time/location: Tuesday April 3rd/12:30am/ my dorm room
  2. farthest sounds: people walking into the bathrooms, the RA on duty checking in on rooms
  3. closer sounds: my roommate snoring, the fridge humming
  4. closest sounds: my fish swirling the water, my breathing
  5. overall sound level: very quite, all that can be heard is static
  6. description: silent noise
  7. essential sounds: the RA on duty, the fridge humming, my fish swirling the water

Journal Entry

3/7/2018 2:11 am Hammer Lab Hofstra University

farthest- the cars driving on the slippery and wet roads, the hum of the heater/Ac in the Hammer Lab, a student snoring in the back corner

middle- the noisy computer monitor that is clearly broken, Mackenzie off to the side with her sound project, the printers going off near us

close- my keyboard clicking, my music in my ear, my stomach grumbling

general level- almost nonexistent

1 word- ghost town

3 things- clicking keyboard, Mackenzie in the Background, The rush of the cars outside us.

Journal Entry 2

  1. February 7th, 8:03pm, sitting on my bed in my dorm room (8th floor of Enterprise)
  2. Farthest sound: elevator dinging, cars driving on the street below, the shower running in the bathroom
  3. Medium far sound: someone walking in the room above me, my neighbor screeching with her best friend, the heater blowing hot air
  4. Closest sound: breathing, typing, my roommate shuffling through papers
  5. Sound level: overall quiet and subtle, like the flicker of a candle
  6. Description: peaceful
  7. Essential sound: elevator dinging, my neighbor screeching, and my roommate shuffling through papers

Journal Entry 2

1- February 6th, 2018-10:48-Calkins 220

2- An airplane flying overhead, the wind outside,footsteps
3- more footsteps, clicking of the key of the computers, clicking of a mouse, a girl talking, the Id card swiper beeping. rolling chairs
4- my breathing, the vibrating of my cellphone, my nails grazing the desk when I hit the space bar, the aircondition turning over something smooth, sounds like water
5- quiet
6- focused
7- The white noise and water sounds of the HVAC. the airplane. the beeping of the ID machine

Journal Entry


1- February 1st, 2018, 10:05 Bill Of Rights Elevator
2-  chatter from the different floors, the elevator mechanism working, hum of the air conditioner,wind
3- the elevator beep every time we stop on a floor, the ring of the second elevator
4- the clicking of my laptop keys, the washer machines on the first floor,my car keys jingling
5- The noise level is barely existent/low
6- Peaceful
7- the hum of the air conditioner, the chatter of people from different floors, and the soft elevator beep

Floor 7 Lounge

  1. January 31st, 2018, 2:45 pm, Vander Poel Floor 7 Lounge
  2. Farthest: Airplane outside
  3. Medium: People talking in the hall, women’s bathroom door closing
  4. Closest: Radiator whirring next to me, my own breathing, my fingers moving over pages
  5. Level: Quiet; very little sound
  6. Description: Relaxing
  7. Important sounds: Radiator whirring, the bathroom door closing, and my fingers moving over pages of a book