- 04/20/2024 – 3:38pm – The Playhouse.
- Sounds farthest away from me: dancers/crew members whispering to each other, crew members talking/responding in the distance, somebody coughing.
- Sounds at medium range: the choreographer giving directions/counting followed by the dancers moving around on stage.
- Sounds closest to me: typing on my computer, a dancer wrapping their ankle in tape next to me, the crew members near me occasionally adjusting themselves or moving items, a constant faint buzzing.
- The general sound level is subdued but passionate. The amount of sound activity is very particular and arranged.
- Description word: precise.
- Essential sounds: counting/directing, stage movement, hushed whispers/humming.
Tag Archives: humming
Journal Entry #4
- 03/26/2024 – 11:04pm – My House.
- Sounds farthest away from me: scattered cars driving by and an airplane flying by.
- Sounds at medium range: my housemates talking downstairs, the wind outside of my window, a dog barking next door, my housemate’s car pulling in the driveway, and the front door opening and a short greeting.
- Sounds closest to me: my heater blowing, my fridge buzzing, and my stomach growling.
- The general sound level is quiet. The amount of sound activity is a constant buzzing/hum, but other than that it is low.
- Description word: soft.
- Essential sounds: wind/cars, quiet chatter and barking, and buzzing/humming.
Journal Entry #3
3/9/2024, 2:02 PM ET, Broadfield
The sound furthest away from me is very quiet rumbling and banging of the dryer downstairs.
A sound a bit closer to me is high-pitched humming sound of the fridge on the right behind the wall.
The sound closest to me is Sophie watching TikToks on the couch to the left of me.
The sound level is very quiet, to the point where you could probably hear a pin drop.
The word I would use to describe the sound environment is hushed.
Three sounds essential to the sound environment are the sound of a phone buzzing, Sophie’s soft tapping on her phone, and the humming.
Field Recording #3 – Spraying Perfume & Humming
Recorded in my bedroom
Sounds heard: Opening, closing & shaking of perfume bottle, spraying perfume, humming
Journal Entry
2/23/17 5:30 AM My lounge area in my suite
2.)refrigerator humming
3.)heater, mugs clinking together without a pattern
4.)music from headphones
5.)The sound level was slightly more than medium, as my music was on really low, and the lack of too many sounds meant the sudden clinking of the mugs stood out.
7.)music from headphones, heater, and the mugs clinking together
Field Recording #4
Location: Bits & Bites
Sounds Heard: Heater, chattering, humming, clanging/movement
Sound Journal #1
1. 2/5/15, 11:11pm, Nassau Hall Dorm
2. Farthest: A few solid knocks on the door across from my dorm accompanied by a brief conversation between two deep voices.
3. Medium: Water smacking against shower floor in bathroom. Blurred high pitched exaggerated laughter coming from my suite mate on the other side of the wall.
4. Nearest: Humming of my refrigerator and steady air flowing from the vents, as well as the gentle snoring of my roommate.
5. Sound levels are quiet and constant. Although there several simultaneous sounds, they are all very low volume.
6. One word: Tranquil
7. 3 Sounds:
- Humming of refrigerator
- Air blowing through vents
- Gentle snoring
Sound Observation #1
1.Thursday 1/30/14 6:45pm. 614B Portsmouth House, Colonial Square.
2. Boys playing soccer in the hallway.
Cars on the street behind C-Square.
3. Suitemate humming as she gets ready to go out.
Shower head running.
Lana Del Rey playing somewhere next door.
4. Heater blowing out air.
5. Generally calm, save for soccer balls slamming into the walls that are jarring and alarming.
6. Dense
7. Soccer ball hitting the wall outside
Lana playing in background.
Field Recording 11
Laundry Room
I was standing in the laundry room, where both washers and dryers were going. There is a faint humming in the background and the most prominent noise is the clicking of most likely something metal inside the dryer. Though the sound is not as clear in this recording as it was in person, I hoped to capture the rhythmic feel that I got standing inside the laundry room.
Journal Entry 11
1- 4/18, 1pm, dorm room
2- I hear a door thump closed from the down the hall, the window is open and from far away I can hear a bird twittering off and on in the distance
3- The air conditioner hums softly and consistently, my roommate is doing her homework in which she has to listen to a recording in Italian and do a worksheet off of it. I can hear the lesson tape, and hear her mumble to herself on and off.
4- My fingers typing on the keyboard, the shuffling of the papers next to me
5- Both sound level and activity are low
6- Studious
7- the hum of the HVAC, the voice over italian and typing