Location: My room, Hempstead
Sounds heard: typing on a laptop, clicking of mouse, swiping of mouse pad, rustling of blanket, breathing.
Location: My room, Hempstead
Sounds heard: typing on a laptop, clicking of mouse, swiping of mouse pad, rustling of blanket, breathing.
Location: Hager Hall, Professor Pell’s C+E second lecture class, 1:30pm
Farthest: Professor Pell talking, Air vent, someone answering a question
Medium: Pen’s clicking, girl walking to the garbage can, air vent
Closest: Girl writing behind me, pages turning
Level: Medium
Description: Intelligent
Important sounds: Professor Pell talking, people writing and clicking their pens, kid answering a question
1- March 8th, 1:25, Room 100 in Heger Hall
2- Farthest- Cars driving by on the road, a motorcycle going by, people talking loudly outside the window
3- Medium- The professor talking, students responding to her, clicking of the keys on a computer, papers shuffling, the clicking of a pen
4- Closest- My breathing, my writing, my toe tapping on the floor, someone whispering to someone else behind me
5- Sound level- low Sound activity-mostly people talking
6- Attentive
7- talking, papers shuffling, cars going by
1- 9:13 PM, Axinn Library (Lobby), 1/28/14
2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
3- Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you (You can include internal sounds if noticed or relevant).
5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.
7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment. Note: you need to try and figure out what sounds make up this environment and which of those sounds need to be there for the feeling of the environment to stay intact.
Laundry Room
I was standing in the laundry room, where both washers and dryers were going. There is a faint humming in the background and the most prominent noise is the clicking of most likely something metal inside the dryer. Though the sound is not as clear in this recording as it was in person, I hoped to capture the rhythmic feel that I got standing inside the laundry room.
1- 4:47am – My dorm room
2- Birds Chirping
3- Hum of fridge
4- Computer Fan, keys clicking on keyboard
5- The general sound level is low and amount of sound activity is low
6- Serene
7- Birds chirping, computer exhaust fan, fridge noises
Due: 2/17
1- 2/23/11- about 9:15pm- hammer lab
2- People talking in the room next door, cars driving by outside and outer doors opening and closing.
3- People having a conversation, typing noises, noise from the printers printing, an annoying beep the swipe machine makes when someone opens the door to come in, the door opening and closing and the sound of rolling chairs moving.
4- Lots of mouse clicking, the low hums of all the computers, people whispering next to me, a few sniffle sounds and a couple of coughs.
5- The general sound level is low and the amount of sound activity is minimal
6- Studious
7- Typing or mouse clicking noises, low talking or whispering, the hum of a computer fan.