Posts Tagged ‘Classroom’

Location: Davison #101

The sounds heard in this clip consists of background chatter that gradually gets louder, backpacks/chairs/papers moving around, occasional laughter, typing on a computer, and the closing of a computer as the clip ends.

  1. 3/5/2020, 12:40pm, Monroe Hall 205 (before History of Jazz class)
  2. Footsteps in hallway & classroom door opening/closing.
  3. Students sitting down in chairs, students talking, projector remote clicking on & projector scrolling down.
  4. Backpack zippers, papers shuffling, water bottle opening, pens tapping & laptops opening.
  5. The sound level is moderate since the volumes of all the sounds I heard weren’t bothersome or at a loud volume.  However, there was a great amount of sound activity since it was hard to focus on individual sounds.  
  6. Filled
  7. Papers shuffling, pencils/pens,  Laptops

1- March 8th, 1:25, Room 100 in Heger Hall

2- Farthest- Cars driving by on the road, a motorcycle going by, people talking loudly outside the window

3- Medium- The professor talking, students responding to her, clicking of the keys on a computer, papers shuffling, the clicking of a pen

4- Closest- My breathing, my writing, my toe tapping on the floor, someone whispering to someone else behind me

5- Sound level- low    Sound activity-mostly people talking

6- Attentive

7- talking, papers shuffling, cars going by

  1. When/Where: 4/19/2016; 2:25 p.m.; classroom in Davidson
  2. Farthest: people from the last class talking outside of the door, people walking down the stairs, vending machine distibuting something
  3. Medium: people on the other side of the classroom turning papers in their notebooks, chit chatting, crunching of a water bottle
  4. Closest: girl next to me starting up her laptop, someone moving the chairs around
  5. Level: quiet
  6. One word: mundane
  7. 3 sounds: vending, chatting, crunching

Location/Time: outside of a classroom in Breslin; Tuesday, March 8th 12:30 p.m.

Sounds Heard: People chatting next to me, teacher giving a lecture, footsteps of people walking by

  1. 3/4/2016, 1:03 pm, in class (CHEM 175)
  2. farthest: (inaudible)
  3. medium: hum of heating system, professor shouting next door
  4. closest: loud chatter of classmates (the professor was 18 minutes late at this point), chairs scraping, backpacks zipping and unzipping, classroom door opening and closing as people slowly filter in, laughing
  5. sound level: fairly loud
  6. one word: spirited
  7. three sounds: talking and laughing, chairs scraping, door opening and closing

1- Date/Time/Location.
2.12.13 / 12:52 / Breslin 112

2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
People out in the hallway talking, door closing

3- Identify and list the sounds at medium range from you.
The squeaking of the air conditioner, an unidentified hum

4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
Professor speaking, coughing, the rustling of paper

5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
Quiet except for professor, medium-low

6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.

7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.

Professor speaking, squeaking of air conditioner, paper rustling


Listen to

Location: Breslin Hall, Royston’s Modern Drama class 3/29/12   2:19pm

Sounds heard: Everyone is talking very loudly about our midterm that we are about to have, discussing what will be on it or what info we need to know.  This goes on at this sound level for a while, then you hear people start to quiet down as Royston walks in, and someone asks about our research paper. He answers that we will talk about it on Tuesday.

Listen to

Recorded in my WSC 2 classroom before class started.

Talking, laughing, and whispering

For: 3/9/12

Location: Sound class, Emily Lowe Hall, Hofstra University, Uniondale NY

Date Recorded: February 25, 2011

Time: 10:05 AM

Clip Includes: Beginning of class chatter, Pat and I discussing War Of The Roses lines, Rych’s pre-class music

Listen to

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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