Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 at 2:37pm

Location: The field outside the back of stu

Farthest Sounds: cars driving by the main road, a plane every once in a while, music and talking/laughing from another group sitting outside, the sound of a football being thrown and also dropped

Medium Sounds: a group of girls laughing near us about something probably not that funny, birds chirping, wind picking up here and there, people filming outside, workers standing around doing absolutely nothing and yelling to each other about God knows what

Closest Sounds: my music playing softly while the tequila show blasts, we’re all cracking up at the performance, the sound of a wrapper as some people in the group reach for Girl Scout cookies, talking amongst the group, ice being shaken around in Starbucks drinks, grass being walked over, bags moving

Sound Description / Level: lively and peaceful at once— this day off really felt like summer and it was a very pleasant noisiness — a reminder that things are looking much better and happier this time this year compared to last year

Important Sounds: the tequila show, music and talking from various sources and distances, the wind (which created the summer feel with its physical feel, its sound, and the scents it carried)

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Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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