Posts Tagged ‘Emma’


Location-  My room… Again… I don’t really move too much for these sounds… Heheh.

Sounds in Clip- I had my water bottle next to me and I was just kinda goofing off.


Farthest Sound- The wind outside my window, the sounds of cars driving along the Road by my house.

Medium Distance- My brother, his girlfriend, and one of my roommates playing music in the living room and hanging out. It sounds Semi 50’s inspired and its distant enough to be a fever dream.

Closest Distance- My own music lightly playing and the sound of my own self tapping on the key board.

Sound Description- Like its late summer in the Santa Cruz Bay Area in the 1950’s and mom and pop are playing music in the living room as they talk about their day… So a 1950’s fever dream.

Important Sounds- The music, my roommates voices, my key board 


Farthest Sound- The clanking off bottles outside and crushing gravel as people walk around and talk, cars passing by on the road.

Medium Distance- The. muffled yet familiar soul of the Suite life of Zach and Cody theme song as my roommate watches it in the living room. He laughter follows soon after.

Closest Distance- The sound of my roommates in their room, and the typing of my key board. 

Sound Description- Like its summer vacation in 2012. So timeless.

Important Sounds- The tv show, the bottles, the laughter 


Location-  My room with the window slightly ajar as one of my roommates plays music while he gardens.

Sounds in Clip- Me moving around in my bed, and the sound of the music out side, oh and a few birds I think.


Location-  My  kitchen sink in me home, in me home state of Washington.

Sounds in Clip- Washing a few cups and plates as one of my roommates can stop laughing and trying her hardest to hold it in.


Farthest Sound- The shower from the master bedroom going off a few rooms over, and the dishes being washed in the kitchen.

Medium Distance- The washer and dryer going off and one of my roommates folding them and putting them away.

Closest Distance- My music playing as I work on my homework and the typing on my computer, the wind is also blowing quite against my window making a whistling sound. 

Sound Description- Hectic and busy

Important Sounds- The shower, the washer and dryer, my music, and the dishes.


Farthest Sound- The sound of birds chirping outside my window and of cars driving by on the street.

Medium Distance- The shower running in the next room as well of the fan going off, making a sound as though it hasn’t been cleaned of dust in a while.

Closest Distance- The chewing of my own gum as well. as a text message ding from my phone.

Sound Description- Busy and full of life.

Important Sounds- The shower, the fan, and the gum


Location-  Driving down the street in downtown in my home city, had my brother recording of course. Safe driving is important kids.

Sounds in Clip- The sound of the wind blowing hard against my car, the suffiling as I try not to make too much noise with my body, the click of my turn signal.


Location-  Right by Bits and Bites, walking towards Lowe

Sounds in Clip- Foot Steps, Talking far off in the distance, birds, cars rushing by


Farthest Sound- Nothing at the moment, all of the house has left except for my roommate, myself, and two other people.

Medium Distance- As I right this the wind is howling against my window making ti whistle with the gaps.

Closest Distance- The A/C unite in my room and the flutter of rustling papers on the wall, and my roommate giggling.

Sound Description- peaceful and tranquil.

Important Sounds- The A/C, my roommates laughter

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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