New House Who Dis? Log #8


Farthest Sound- The sound of birds chirping outside my window and of cars driving by on the street.

Medium Distance- The shower running in the next room as well of the fan going off, making a sound as though it hasn’t been cleaned of dust in a while.

Closest Distance- The chewing of my own gum as well. as a text message ding from my phone.

Sound Description- Busy and full of life.

Important Sounds- The shower, the fan, and the gum

A Quite Drive Downtown (don’t worry I had my brother record it)


Location-  Driving down the street in downtown in my home city, had my brother recording of course. Safe driving is important kids.

Sounds in Clip- The sound of the wind blowing hard against my car, the suffiling as I try not to make too much noise with my body, the click of my turn signal.

Journal Entry #2 – Michael DeRosa

  1. Location: 2/5/19, 7:07pm, Front Street
  2. Farthest sounds: car horns beeping, breeze in the distance, cars driving by/accelerating, sirens
  3. Medium sounds: car engine running, trees rustling, faint voices as people walk by, brakes screeching, car door closing
  4. Closest sounds: keyboard typing, exhaling, music playing
  5. Sound level is high, it’s a busy street so there’s a lot of noise everywhere through the sounds of travel taking place
  6. One word description: active
  7. Three essential sounds: tires on pavement, whoosh of wind as cars drive by, car brakes

Studio 216

Date/Location: Emily Lowe Studio 216, 3/2/17, 1:42pm

Far sounds: cars driving outside, someone walking in hallway

Medium sounds: clock ticking, the vent

Close sounds: buzz of my phone receiving messages, me breathing, me drinking water

Overall level: low

Descriptive word: quiet

3 important noises: clock ticking, cars driving, phone buzzing

Journal Entry 9

1- Thursday April 4, 10pm, on the sidewalk near Popeye’s on Hempstead Tpke

2- Down the road, I can vaguely hear the thumping bass of the club nearby. Someone far away honks their horn.

3- The door into Popeye’s opens, momentarily allowing the chatter of the half-full restaurant to be heard on the street. The noise becomes muffled as the door closes with a small whoosh of air. There is a group of people walking on the sidewalk coming towards us. I can hear their footsteps echoing slightly on the concrete and a pair of girls is murmuring to eachother, but other than that, the group is silent.

4- Cars on the turnpike drive by quickly, sending gusts of air our way. The girls I am with chatter excitedly, someone is playing “I’m sexy and I know it” from their phone and the music is slightly tinny. Someone mentions they want to get some Popeye’s before continuing down the road, and this idea is met with a wave of approval.

5- The general sound level is at a medium high, especially due to the loud cars driving by, though the sound activity is closer to a medium low.

6- Pleasant

7- cars driving by, the chatter of the girls around me, and the song playing on the phone