Journal Entry

1) Student Center Bookstore, 4:45 pm, 2/14/18

2) Farthest- People talking and walking over the Unispan, people talking in the lower level of the bookstore, someone playing music somewhere inside the student center

3)Medium- The cashier helping someone at the desk, lots of talking and laughing from the tables set up right outside the bookstore

4) Closest- Two people talking to each other next to me, my stomach growling, my breathing, a shirt falling off the hanger I was holding

5) Sound level- very high, intense and exciting because it was valentines day

6) Word- Active

7) Three sounds- music playing, people talking and laughter outside the bookstore

Journal Entry #3 – Walking to Class

  1. Date: February 13, 2018
    Time: 12:20 pm – ish
    Location: Student Center
  2. Farthest: people talking, eating food, laughing, laptops wirring, people typing, beeping from the machines to order food, collecting their things
  3. Medium: People drinking starbucks, impatient  sighs, someone zipping up their bag and coat
  4. Closest: The zipper on my combatboots clinking, the music coming from my headphones, the ice in my drink clinking and shifting, the metal on my purse clinking
  5. General sound level: high
    General sound activity: high
  6. One word description: Bustling
  7. 3 important sounds: people talking, impatient sighs, music in my headphones

Journal Entry 5

  1. Student Center – Freshens, 3/2/2017, 4:30 PM
  2. Far Sounds: Doors sliding open, people walking, light music
  3. Medium Sounds: Random conversations, food being prepared, chairs sliding and screeching on the floor
  4. Close sounds: Chewing, my phone going off
  5. Sound Level: Loud
  6. Sound Description: Crowded
  7. Essential Sounds: Doors sliding open, Random conversations, Phone going off

Student Center in the Morning

  1. 2/10/17 8:45AM Student Center 2nd floor next to the hair salon
  2. An ominous buzz from industrial kitchen equipment, someone taking out the trash, the ladies at Sbarro’s making food, an espresso machine, the speak of wheels from some sort of cart.
  3. Boots hitting the ground, various chattering, this beeping noise when people use the kiosks, people grabbing utensils, the rumbling of the cart
  4. People passing behind me, the opening and closing of the bathroom door behind me, me typing on the keyboard.
  5. General sound level is low. There’s a moderate level of activity but most of it is very quiet to begin with.
  6. Subdued
  7. Light chatter, the ominouus buzz, people passing by



  1. 2-1-17, 12:00, Student Center Multipurpose Room, Activity Fair
  2. Farthest Sounds- music played over speakers, footsteps, people talking
  3. Medium Sounds- people talking, laughter
  4. Closest Sounds- people talking, balls being thrown and caught
  5. Sound Level- loud
  6. Environment- social
  7. Essential Sounds- talking, laughter, footsteps
  1. Location: Student Center
  2. Farthest: soft ambient music over the loudspeaker
  3. Medium: keys jingling, sneakers squeaking against the floor, salsa music on a portable speaker
  4. Closest: AC unit clanking and chirping overhead, voices speaking
  5. Sound level: Medium
  6. One Word: Variety
  7. Three Sounds: Voices, Salsa music, Sneakers squeaking