Journal Entry 1

February 8, 2024. 1:20. My Backyard.
The sounds that are furthest away from me: Truck beeping, distant cars, a plane.
The sounds that are a medium distance from me: Neighbors footsteps, squirrels shuffling in the trees, occasional car on my street.
The sounds that are closest to me: Birds, music coming from my computer (Sugar Magnolia- Grateful Dead).
The sound level of the space: Low. A lot of different quiet sounds.
One word description: Peaceful
Three sounds that are most important to the environment: Birds chirping, wind in the trees, hum of planes from nearby airport.

Journal Entry 3

  1. 03/08/2023 – 1:55 PM – Outside of the Graduate Residence Hall
    Far away: The Hofstra Shuttle moving around, footsteps
    Medium: Very windy, some cars driving, someone locking their car with the alarm
    Closest: Birds, the gardeners trimming the grass and collecting shavings in garbage bags
    The sound level is medium.
    Descriptor: Tranquil
    The essential sounds are: the soft footsteps, the wind, and the gardeners.

Journal 2

  1. 02/24/2023 – 5:16 PM – Outside of Vander Poel Hall
  2. Far away: A car honked, some kind of radio music playing
  3. Medium: Cars driving by, a car driving very fast, leaves on trees blowing in the wind
  4. Closest: People having conversations passing by, a cat meow, some birds tweeting
  5. The sound level is quite low when it is closer to me, but things like the car driving are loud. 
  6. Descriptor: Busy
  7. The essential sounds are: the car honking, the sounds of cars driving by, leaves blowing in the wind, and the birds tweeting.

Journal Entry #2

  1. Location: Living Room of my house, 4:14 pm 2/24/23
  2. Sounds furthest away: Planes flying overhead, Cars driving down the turnpike behind me, wind in the distance, cars revving, horns honking
  3. Sounds at Medium range: Cars driving past my house and down the street, The sound of my storm door banging against the porch railing due to wind, my roommate typing down the hall, sound of garbage being thrown in the dumpster of Popeyes, woman talking on the phone on the sidewalk.
  4. Sounds closest to me: Me typing on the computer, the sound of me sipping my tea, phone buzz notification, me breathing, my knees popping, the chair shifting under my weight.
  5. Around me in the house, the sound is very quiet. There is, however, a lot of loud sounds in the distance, mainly due to the cars and busy roads. By the time those sounds get to my ear, they are dampened and muffled.
  6. “Secluded”
  7. Cars going by on the turnpike, me breathing, me sipping tea

Journal Entry 2

Date: February 22 – 2:00pm

Location: My Backyard


Far Sounds: bell tolling, planes flying by overhead, incomprehensible music from a car radio down the street.

Medium Sounds: car honking, truck rumbling past, birds calling to one another, cars whooshing by, icy sleet falling.

Close Sounds: keyboard clicks, breathing in and out, sleet hitting the ground, chairs, tables nearby.

Sound Description/Level: as the sound of sleet intensifies, it brings the other sounds in and out of focus. The planes and cars increase in volume as they get closer, then gradually fade away. Every sound seems one-and-done, a little snippet of something new in the world before it disappears again into the wash of sleet falling. 

One Word: transient

Most Important Sounds: sleet, cars driving past, bird calls.

Sound Journal 6- Michelle Pavloff

Date: April 27, 2022

Location and Time: Upstairs living room of Broadfield, 10:48 pm

Far Sounds: Cars driving in the distance, faint electrical buzzing of lights

Medium Sounds: Gusts of wind, car door closing and locking outside, voices talking outside

Close Sounds: Anna picking her press on nails off, Andrew walking in the hallway, closing the bathroom door

Sound Description/Level: Low, relaxed

One Word Description: Composed

Most Important Sounds: Cars, wind, Anna picking her nails off

Journal Entry #4- Gabby Macallister

Date: April 3rd, 2022, 

Location and Time: My bed, 7:57pm

Far Sounds: The dryer running, the tv going downstairs, an ambulance driving by, plane flying overhead, car honking

Medium Sounds: Housemates talking downstairs, people walking by my window talking, typing, housemate moving chair in their room

Close Sounds: Housemate laughing, the shower running upstairs, housemate slamming fridge, pouring water from a britta filter, Mishka running down the stairs, Harry Styles playing

Sound Description/Level: low, mostly quiet

One Word: comfortable

Most Important Sounds: Mishka running down the stairs, housemates laughter people walking and talking