Journal Entry #2

  1. 2/26/23 at Dutch Treats at 10:25
  2. Farthest Away: Cars driving, plane flying
  3. Medium Range: People chatting outside Hofusa, someone restocking the ice cream, bottles moving in the fridges
  4. Closest: People talking, bags rustling as people move around, loud footsteps and some running, some of the employees laughing and joking around together
  5. Sound Level: Not quiet, but not overwhelmingly loud
  6. Sound Activity: Busy and hurried, but also casual
  7. One Word: Welcoming
  8. Essential Sounds: Bags rustling, employees laughing and joking, ice cream restocking

Journal Entry 2

  1. 02/26/2023 – 8:47 PM – my bedroom
  2. Far away: Cars on the highway, people talking outside
  3. Medium: People talking downstairs, a toilet flushing, a sink turning on
  4. Closest: Someone watching tiktoks, someone walking past my door
  5. Sound level: relatively low, not much going on
  6. One word: Tired
  7. The essential sounds are: TikToks, people passing by in the hall, cars in the distance

Sound Journal 2

Date: 2/24, 5:58pm

Location: Dutch Treats

Far sounds: water running in the kitchen in the back

Medium sounds: rustling of a bag, door opening and closing, beep of the scanner at the register, people walking around shopping

Close sounds: the TV playing loudly (ads, then Star Wars music), the cashiers having a conversation, a staff member answering a phone call, the refrigerated items shelf buzzing, the crinkle of the Uncrustable I’m about to buy

Sound description/level: it’s not a busy time for Dutch but there are a handful of other people so it’s a fairly consistent volume in here. Not loud; you can hear the TV from anywhere inside but it’s not overwhelming, and a few people are talking but when they move away I can’t hear them as clearly

One word: supermarket

Most important sounds: the TV, the cashiers’ conversation, the fridges buzzing

Journal 2

  1. 02/24/2023 – 5:16 PM – Outside of Vander Poel Hall
  2. Far away: A car honked, some kind of radio music playing
  3. Medium: Cars driving by, a car driving very fast, leaves on trees blowing in the wind
  4. Closest: People having conversations passing by, a cat meow, some birds tweeting
  5. The sound level is quite low when it is closer to me, but things like the car driving are loud. 
  6. Descriptor: Busy
  7. The essential sounds are: the car honking, the sounds of cars driving by, leaves blowing in the wind, and the birds tweeting.

Journal Entry #2

  1. Location: Living Room of my house, 4:14 pm 2/24/23
  2. Sounds furthest away: Planes flying overhead, Cars driving down the turnpike behind me, wind in the distance, cars revving, horns honking
  3. Sounds at Medium range: Cars driving past my house and down the street, The sound of my storm door banging against the porch railing due to wind, my roommate typing down the hall, sound of garbage being thrown in the dumpster of Popeyes, woman talking on the phone on the sidewalk.
  4. Sounds closest to me: Me typing on the computer, the sound of me sipping my tea, phone buzz notification, me breathing, my knees popping, the chair shifting under my weight.
  5. Around me in the house, the sound is very quiet. There is, however, a lot of loud sounds in the distance, mainly due to the cars and busy roads. By the time those sounds get to my ear, they are dampened and muffled.
  6. “Secluded”
  7. Cars going by on the turnpike, me breathing, me sipping tea

Journal Entry #2

Outside CV Starr

3:36 pm 2/24/23

Farthest sound- cars driving by on the turnpike, honking of said cars, construction truck backing up

Medium sounds- tumbling leaves, rustling of trees around me, brief conversations of people walking by, airplane overhead, lawn mower hum

Close sounds – music in my headphones, wind against the outside of my headphones, rushing of water from drinking of my water bottle, me swallowing, clanking of keys in my pocket, rustling of hands against my jacket

Sound level/amount – the sound levels of this spot ebbed and flowed, but on a general noise scale, there was rather nothing majorly apparent., but enough general background noise to take notice of. 

One word – serene

Three most important noises – 

  • Wind against the outside of my headphones
  • The rustling of the leaves
  • Rustling of trees

Journal Entry #2

1- 02/23/23 – 4:38pm – Hammer Lab

2- People talking on the Unispan, Heels clicking as they walk across unispan, Sound of door closing/opening, cars passing outside
3- Electrical Buzz, People talking quietly, paper rustling, keyboard clacking, keys, printer printing, quiet laughing
4- Mouse clicking, pen clicking, keyboard clacking
5- Low sound activity
6- Obligated
7- Electrical buzz, keyboard clacking, paper rustling

Journal Entry #2

February 23rd, 12:10pm–Breslin Hall, Room 111

Farthest Away: The hum of the microphones and buzz of the HVAC system.

Medium Range: The squeaking of the chairs moving.

Closest: The soft rasp professor’s voice coming in through the speaker above me. The soft click of the MAC keyboard directly behind me.

Sound Level: Everything was at a pretty low level, except for the squeaking chairs. They would cut everything out  and be the only thing you could hear the second the chair moved.

Sound Activity: The hum of the microphones and buzz of the HVAC were consistent and did not change. The squeaking chairs were harsh and quick every two to three minutes. The soft click of the keyboard would be consistent for two minutes, and then go away and come back a couple minutes later at the same level. The sound of the professor’s voice was inconsistent, as he would pause in the middle of a sentence and occasionally speak louder or softer; he also moved around the room which would either bring his voice closer to me or farther away.

Description: Orthodox

Essential Sounds:

  • Professor’s Voice
  • Squeaking Chairs
  • Buzz of the HVAC

Journal Entry 2

Date: February 22 – 2:00pm

Location: My Backyard


Far Sounds: bell tolling, planes flying by overhead, incomprehensible music from a car radio down the street.

Medium Sounds: car honking, truck rumbling past, birds calling to one another, cars whooshing by, icy sleet falling.

Close Sounds: keyboard clicks, breathing in and out, sleet hitting the ground, chairs, tables nearby.

Sound Description/Level: as the sound of sleet intensifies, it brings the other sounds in and out of focus. The planes and cars increase in volume as they get closer, then gradually fade away. Every sound seems one-and-done, a little snippet of something new in the world before it disappears again into the wash of sleet falling. 

One Word: transient

Most Important Sounds: sleet, cars driving past, bird calls.