Date/Place: May 14 in the Pride Den
Sounds heard: people talking, an alarm beeping, people typing on computers, doors opening and closing, someone drinking a smoothie
Date/Place: May 14 in the Pride Den
Sounds heard: people talking, an alarm beeping, people typing on computers, doors opening and closing, someone drinking a smoothie
Location: My room, early morning
Sounds heard: Computer fan, keyboard typing, classical music off phone, notification through laptop, birds chirping outside
Date: 4/28
Location: Content Suite in LHCOMM
Far Sounds: Door opening and closing, people walking in and out, people talking about a group project
Medium Sounds: AC/Patching station, fans going
Close Sounds: People typing on keyboards, someone on the phone
Sound Description/Level: The room is big and industrial sounding, so the sound echos with relative ease
One Word: Corporate
Most Important Sounds: People talking, people typing/working at computers
Date: 4/13
Location: LHComm classroom
Far Sounds: Professor talking through the wall
Medium Sounds: people shifting in their seats, sniffling, feet shuffling on the ground, people typing on laptops
Close Sounds: Professor reading a text, people breathing behind me
Sound Description/Level: relatively low, nothing too loud or overbearing, just a Professor reading to his class, and them listening
One Word: studious
Most Important Sounds: Professor reading
Location: Passover Seder at my aunt and uncles house
Sounds Heard: Laughing, adults talking over each other, kids reading
Date: March 30
Location: LHCOMM Classroom
Far Sounds: doors opening from down the hall, professor’s voice through the wall
Medium Sounds: air vents, people moving in their seats, clearing their throats, marker squeaking on the board
Close Sounds: Professor lecturing, people writing in their notebooks
Sound Description/Level: the professor himself is loud and clear because he projects his voice, but other than that the level of noise is pretty quiet.
One Word: enthusiasm
Most Important Sounds: Professor talking, marker squeaking
Location: Film shoot in Huntington, NY
Sounds Heard: People talking, c-stands hitting the ground, bins opening and closing, equipment being moved, doors opening and shutting, footsteps
Date: March 11
Location: Studio A (comm school)
Far Sounds: people walking past, laggers being moved, genie going up and down, people yelling
Medium Sounds: mild conversation, food being served, equipment being moved
Close Sounds: people chewing on food, people walking past
Sound Description/Level: not too loud, people are eating lunch so everyone’s more focused on that
One Word: busy
Most Important Sounds: people talking, equipment moving
Location: Student Center
Sounds heard: People talking, Starbucks ovens, kitchenware being used, chairs dragging, wrappers being crinkled