Journal Entry #6

Date: 4/25/23

Location: Citi Field

Far sounds: cheering & shouting from opposite side of stadium

Medium sounds: clapping and cheering from sections around us, the bat hitting the ball

Close sounds: roommate making comments next to me, people speaking French behind me, the loudspeaker anytime anything happens

Sound description/level: loud and passionate and full of a low level of anticipatory chatter punctuated by cheers

One word: lively

Most important sounds (three sounds that make the scene what it is): clapping, cheering, baseball hitting bat

Journal Entry #6

April 28th, 10:33pm – my dorm with the door cracked

Farthest Away: Car vrooming down a street (barely audible), Plane flying overhead

Medium Range: Toilet Flushing, The sound of my roommate’s phone playing a tv show, the paper towel dispenser on the other side of my wall

Closest: Hum of the refrigerator, My roommate moving around the dorm packing, My roommate opening and closing her drawers

Sound Level: A medium level excluding farthest away sounds. Medium and Close range were often in a battle trying to be heard over the other.

Sound Activity: Inconsistent. It often felt like once one sound came in, they all tried to happen at once, then once one stopped they all stopped. My roommate was also not consistently moving around, she would stop in a spot to contemplate what she wanted to pack. Also, there wasn’t a person in the bathroom who was consistently dispensing paper towels.

Description: Active

Essential Sounds:

  • Roommate moving around the room
  • Paper towel dispenser
  • Plane flying overhead

Journal Entry #6

2:45pm // speigel theater SFAB open forum // April 28th. 

Farthest away sounds — hum of the ebb and flow of traffic, the occasional siren, shuffling of speigel seats. 

Medium sounds — clinking of bri’s dog’s collar, typing of Sfab rep computers. 

Closest sounds — me adjusting in my chair, people talking behind me, professors answering questions, ice shifting in my plastic dunkin cup. 

Sound level – mostly silent on the background noise except for the occasional shifting of people in audience or on stage. Focused in on the conversation and dialogue happening. 

One word – productive 

Most important sounds – the professors speaking, audience members speaking, typing of SFAB computers. 

Journal Entry 6

Date: 4/28

Location: Content Suite in LHCOMM

Far Sounds: Door opening and closing, people walking in and out, people talking about a group project

Medium Sounds: AC/Patching station, fans going

Close Sounds: People typing on keyboards, someone on the phone

Sound Description/Level: The room is big and industrial sounding, so the sound echos with relative ease

One Word: Corporate

Most Important Sounds: People talking, people typing/working at computers

Journal Entry 6

Date: 4/27 at 7:28 PM

Location: table on the quad outside Roosevelt Hall

Far Sounds: laughing, door opening and shutting across the quad, mourning dove cooing, cars driving by on nearby streets.

Medium Sounds: more mourning doves responding, outdoor AC units/fans, two birds fighting (wings flapping, chirping), loud car honk.

Close Sounds: two people walking by (footsteps, talking), chewing, leaves rustling, squirrels climbing the tree overhead.

Sound Description/Level: the AC units gave the sound on the quad a mechanical quality that would otherwise be absent in that setting. The bird calls were plentiful and coming from all directions, which gave it an almost fantastical feeling.

One Word: ethereal

Most Important Sounds: mourning doves cooing, birds fighting, rustling leaves

Sound Journal #6

Date/Time/Location: April 26th, 3:09PM, ITS Service Desk offices.  

Furthest: Distant cars and trucks racing on Hempstead Turnpike, birds chirping. 

Medium: Boss yelling in outrage about technology, coworker writing with pen on paper, clothing shifting, chair squeaking slightly. 

Closest: Hum of desktop computers, my chair spinning, keyboard clicking, phone buzzing from notifications. 

Sound level is pretty null, as the office itself is mostly quiet with some very minute sounds from the machines and people here and there. My boss raising his voice outside and the cars zooming by are the only things that disrupt this peace. The amount of sound activity lies in a small range despite these interruptions in sound. 

One Word Description: Uneasy. 

Essential Sounds: 

  1. Boss yelling 
  2. Chair squeaking 
  3. Cars zooming nearby

Sound Journal 5

Location: My room

Farthest Sound: Hum of cars on the turnpike

Medium sounds: Wind outside my window, cars speeding down my street, electric guitar playing in the basement

closest sounds: Vacuum outside my door, the show playing on my tv, typing noises

Sound level is high and very busy, lots of separate loud noises going on

Description: jumbled

Most Important sounds: Wind, vacuum, tv show


Journal Entry #5

Date: 4/14/23

Location: Bill of Rights, my dorm room with the windows open

Far sounds: cars driving below, engines revving, breaks squeaking

Medium sounds: Wind blowing, birds chirping

Close sounds: refrigerator hum, fingers typing on keyboard

Sound description/level: low sound level, everything sounds further away than it it

One word: serene

Most important sounds: birds chirping, cars passing, fridge hum


  1. 04/13/2023 – 5:55 PM – outside Shapiro Hall
  2. Far away: the Hofstra shuttle, birds chirping 
  3. Medium: the wind blowing, a squirrel, people talking, cars driving
  4. Closest: a Hofstra band playing music, the conductor speaking
  5. The sound level is high.
  6. Descriptor: Musical
  7. Essential sounds: wind blowing, Hofstra band, conductor