Journal Entry #2

2/23/24 – 11:00 – My Room

2 (Farthest sound) : Distant chatter from roommates, distant footsteps, Sound of kitches appliances

3  (Medium sound) : Footsteps from stairs, Creaks from doors

4 (Closest) : Ringing in ears, sound of creaks in my desk and bed, sound of wind from outside

5 (General Activity) : Not any sound that are of notice except the voices being heard, otherwise it would be a rather quiest house with only the nature to give it any noise

6 (One word description) : Hubub

7 : Voices/Laughter, banging of feet, Refrigerator doors



Sound Journal #2~~ Kaitlyn Bancroft

  1. February 23rd- 7:17pm- My room in Alliance Hall 
  2. Sounds farthest away are the shouts of residents in hallway and lobby outside of my door 
  3. Sounds in medium range to me is the loud and overbearing noise of air escaping the vents in my laptop as it grows hot, almost like a chugging. 
  4. Closest to me is the tapping of my hands hitting the keys as I furiously try to bang out an article the night before it is due. 
  5. There seems to be a fair amount of sound activity coming from all directions of the space I am in. 
  6. One word: Chaotic 
  7. For the feeling of this environment you definitely need the residents to still be screaming and you need the labored chugging of the laptop, the tapping also represents the chaotic nature because it is so rushed, so really every sound identified up top really enforces the sound environment. 

Journal Entry

1- February 1st – 8:00 pm – Next to the Halal Cart on Oak St.
2- Farthest Away- Cars honking on another street, people yelling to each other somewhere on campus, an airplane in the air.
3- Medium Range- People walking in the parking lot of the Netherlands, busses squeaking as they drive by, cars speeding down the street, someone getting into their car and turning it on.
4- Closest- The sound of my breathing, the buzzing of the engine of the halal cart, the man chopping food in the cart, people ordering food at the cart and talking with the man working there.
5- The sounds weren’t too loud. The sounds occurred at pretty random times but the one exception was the buzzing of the halal cart which was constant.
6- Active
7- The buzzing of the halal cart’s engine, cars driving by, talking from different people.


Sound Journal #7

1 – 3/11/14 9:30PM- Student Center 

2 – Hip hop music playing
-Yelling across the student center
-Loud singing

-3 – Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
-Girls chatting near me about classes
-Someone yelling free waffles
-Erik asking “What’s happening?”

4 – Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
-Noah saying “sound class recording”
-Automatic doors opening

5 – Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
-This room is extremely loud. Apparently this free waffle event is very exciting because nearly everyone in the room is excited and loud. It is almost deafening.

6 – Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.

7 – Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
-Hip hop music
-People yelling

Journal Entry 12

1- 4/23 Student Center dining room 8:00pm

2- The smoothie machine grinds loudly on and off and two girls in the line are fooling around a little, and their laughter echoes

3- The boys at the table next to us are listening to rap music on speakers, alternately singing along, talking and “oohing” over things.

4- My table is filled with the rugby team, who, as usually, is extremely loud. Two people are deciding whether the long smoothie line is worth braving, another is begging them to get something they like so she can have some. A group of people are yelling across the table to eachother about the details of the last game we played. The girls next to me are discussing getting together to watch a movie later.

5- Sound level and activity are medium high

6- animated

7- the grinding of the smoothie machine, the girls yelling about the game and the tin-y rap music playing from small speakers.