- Location: 1/30/19, 11:30am, Division of Student Affairs, Phillips 200
- Farthest sounds: background voices in conversation, faint music playing, footsteps on carpet
- Medium sounds: hum of air system, doors opening/closing, Keurig system making coffee, printer
- Closest sounds: chair creaking, phone ringing, keyboard typing, voices speaking on phone
- Sound level is low, there’s a low amount of sound activity
- One word description: office
- Three essential sounds: phone ringing, printer, keyboard typing
Tag Archives: Office
Journal entry 3
1- 2/15/2018 Noon – Office of Admissions
2- the cars outside, the glass doors letting the wind whistle in, the overhead pop piano music
3- The phone calls from admissions counselors offices , Laughter from the counselors, the blender in the break room being used
4- My co-worker on the phone, the families coming in, music from my head phones
5- an organized loudness
6- purposeful
7- Admissions counselors on the phone, the families coming in, the pop piano music playing the background
Field Recording #11
Front of House office, NAB
Two other Front of House crew members talking quietly in the office while I look into my backpack.
Sound Journal #12
1 – 5/1/14 – 8:30pm – Front of House office, NAB
2 – Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
-The doors of the NAB opening and slamming shut.
-Some sort of cart being rolled into the NAB building.
3 – Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
-Voices heard through the walls.
4 – Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
-The stage manager’s voice, heard through the intercom, as he gives out cues over his headset.
-Me rummaging through my backpack.
-A phone charger being plugged into the wall outlet.
-Sounds of typing on a MacBook Pro.
5 – Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
-After the cart was rolled into the NAB, it was pretty quiet in the area. The sounds that occurred were quite tame in terms of volume and how frequent they were.
6 – Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.
7 – Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
-The stage manager’s voice.
-The sounds the doors of the NAB makes.
-The cart being rolled into the NAB building.
Sound Journal
1 – 4/24/14 – 11:09am – OSLA
2 – Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
- people in the Atrium having varied conversations
- Laughing from an involvement meeting in the back room
- My supervisor typing frantically at his keys
3 – Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
- one of the GA’s unwrapping their lunch
- the phone ringing in the distance
- my boss talking to her assistant about exam care packages
4 – Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
- My fingers clicking against the keys of my keyboard
- the slurping of my neighbor as she drinks her coffee
- the click of the stapler as I put staple forms together
5 – Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
- For a Thursday morning in the office, there is a surprisingly loud sound level. While not obnoxious or excessive, there is still a lot of noise going on. The sound activity is also quite high, as there are a lot of varied noises going on in the office.
6 – Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.
- Officey
7 – Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
- clicking of the different keyboard
- the slamming of the stapler
- the phones ringing
Journal Entry
1- 2/27/2014, The Office of Student Leadership and Activities
2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
- Karl, one of my supervisors, shuffling through papers in his office
- Nicole, another supervisor, moving around in her chair
- The dial tone of the phone as Nicole picks up the phone
3- Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
- Mary, the office’s administrative assistant, typing at her desk.
- Mary picking up the phone and dialing.
- Mary talking on the phone.
4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
- Ariel, a GA in the office, clicking furiously on her mouse, trying to achieve an unknown goal.
- Kathleen, another Student Aide, taking a seat next to me and wishing me a good morning.
- A student being assisted typing on the computer across from me.
- The clicking of my own keyboard as I navigate our office website.
5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
- The noise level in OSLA is not loud, however, there is a lot of small noise occurring, as everyone in the office goes about their daily tasks.
6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.
- Efficient
7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
- Ariel’s clicking
- Mary’s voice talking on the phone
- the keyboard’s clicking all around me
Journal Entry 2
1- Date/Time/Location.
2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
The clicking of the ID card reader, the turnstile, people speaking in the hallway
3- Identify and list the sounds at medium range from you.
A phone ringing, people talking, laughter
4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
Typing on a laptop, laughter, people talking
5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
Loud. Medium-High.
6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.
7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
People talking, Turnstile, Laughter.
Journal Entry #12
1. 4/22/12 Internship office
2. The sounds farthest away from me are my two supervisors chatting in their office and the sound of the coffee machine brewing.
3. The sounds at a medium distance from me are a girl coughing, two people talking about Game of Thrones, and people laughing.
4. The sounds closest to me are the girl next to me talking on the phone, people from neighboring cubicles typing, and my stomach growling.
5. The sound level is somewhat low and sporadic.
6. I would describe this sound environment as “engrossed”.
7. Three sounds essential to the sound environment are the people typing, the coffee machine brewing, and people talking nearby. Everyone is being productive but having fun at the same time.
Field recording #2
Location: Hofstra Law School Office Of Enrollment Management; Uniondale, NY
Date: February 10, 2011
Time: 4:45 PM
Clip Includes: Office chatter, Mary Kate and Me talking about the recording, the ‘door open’ sound, various office supplies being set down on the table.