1. 4/22/12  Internship office

2. The sounds farthest away from me are my two supervisors chatting in their office and the sound of the coffee machine brewing.

3. The sounds at a medium distance from me are a girl coughing, two people talking about Game of Thrones, and people laughing.

4. The sounds closest to me are the girl next to me talking on the phone, people from neighboring cubicles typing, and my stomach growling.

5. The sound level is somewhat low and sporadic.

6. I would describe this sound environment as “engrossed”.

7. Three sounds essential to the sound environment are the people typing, the coffee machine brewing, and people talking nearby.  Everyone is being productive but having fun at the same time.

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Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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