My car, on Merrick Road by the Best Market as you get off the Meadowbrook.
The rattle of my car, the hum of the road, my car jostling on a bump, and my blinker clicking as I make a turn.
My car, on Merrick Road by the Best Market as you get off the Meadowbrook.
The rattle of my car, the hum of the road, my car jostling on a bump, and my blinker clicking as I make a turn.
Location: Bathroom in Vander Poel Hall
I put my phone in a Ziploc bag and let water run over it. Fair warning it doesn’t sound as pretty as I thought it would.
Location/Time: Bits and Bytes, 2/15/17, 4:30pm
Sounds Heard: Conversations at near by tables, me typing on my laptop, me coughing
Recorded inside my room which is on the 12 floor of a high rise. You can hear the snowflakes hitting the window, which was louder than I expected.
Location/Time: walking from Estabrook to the Student Center, 2/7/17 6:30pm
Sounds Heard: wind, me walking on wet pavement, birds, someone singing the words “isn’t she love”
Location/Time: Lowe 216, 6:35 p.m. Thursday
Sounds Heard: people talking, music playing, Bree singing and me yelling at her, Katie asking for the sweet embrace of death
Location/Time: Au Bon Pain, 1:00 p.m., April 25th
Sounds Heard: music playing in the background, people in the cafe chatting, people at my table talking to me, laughing.
Location: Subway
Sounds: Music being played
Location/Time: Au Bon Pain, 1:00 p.m. on Monday
Sounds Heard: playing “Happy” over the radio, talking of the people in the restaurant, talking from the table I’m at, crunching of food wrappers, laughter, “singing”
Location: Mineola Train Station
Sounds: Voice talking, train entering station, train whistle in the background