Location: Outside of Hofstra Hall
Sounds Heard: Wind, Thumps from more extreme gusts, Clicking Sounds of Walking
Location: Outside of Hofstra Hall
Sounds Heard: Wind, Thumps from more extreme gusts, Clicking Sounds of Walking
Location: Penn Station
Sounds heard: People walking, suitcase wheels on floor, lots of chatter and loud ambient noise
Location: my front porch
Sounds Heard: many talkative birds, lawnmowers next door turning on and off, a slight breeze.
Location: outside the window in my dorm
Sounds: Wind, a plane, beads clacking, shuffling, something hitting my AC unit, the cord on the blinds hitting the wall
location: inside Netherlands Hall
sounds heard: “Say My Name” by Destiny’s child, people talking, the television
Location: Outside Axinn Library
Sounds heard: People talking quietly, laughing, footsteps on concrete, crows cawing, various types of birds chirping and singing, wind, cars driving by on Hempstead Turnpike.
Location: Panera Bread
Sounds Heard: Background Music, People Talking, Dishes Being Moved Around in the Kitchen, Paper Rustling, Beeping from a Kitchen Appliance, Someone Slurping Their Drink
Location: Passover sedar at Morgan’s family’s house. In the living room with about 20 people, young and old.
Sounds: Singing, laughing, rustling of the tablecloth, people chatting
Location: Passover Seder at my aunt and uncles house
Sounds Heard: Laughing, adults talking over each other, kids reading
Sounds: Cars going by on the turnpike, cars turning onto my street and passing my house, wind, me bumping my phone, birds chirping in a tree across the street, car honking