Posts Tagged ‘birds’

1. Walking down Hamilton, toward Breslin, Thursday, April 24th, 2014, 2:30 pm.

2. Sounds furthest from me: In the distance, I can hear a riding mower, squealing into gear as the blades are engaged and the subsequent whir of cutting grass.

3. Sounds at medium range from me: On my other side, I can hear children laughing and screaming as they have recess on the playground at the California Ave school. This, along with the sound of the mower in the distance, really brings in the feeling of spring.

4. Sounds closest to me: The wind is rustling the leaves in the trees as I walk beneath them. I can also hear several birds chirping, although, as I’m not a bird expert, I couldn’t name what they were, but they are featured in my field recording. They are singing happily, sharing in my joy on this beautiful day.

5. General sound level and level of activity: The sound activity is pretty busy with the sound of the children screaming and laughing, combined with the undertones of the mower and the wind and birds. The sound level is medium, though.

6. Word to describe sound environment: Springy.

7. Three sounds that complete the sound environment:
— the lawn mower
— children laughing and playing
— birds chirping

3/30/14 Early Afternoon, My bedroom

Sounds heard: static, the wind, bird cawing, multiple birds chipping, and me touching the phone at the end.


  • Friday, February 7th, 2014. 8:42 AM, My living room.

2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.

• Garbage truck starting and stopping on the next block
• Gentle hum of the wind
• Television coming from another room, set on a very high volume

3- Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
• Foot  steps clonking as my neighbors make a mad-dash for the train station.
• The bell on my cat’s collar ringing as he prances around the house
• Cars rushing past behind me

4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you (You can include internal sounds if noticed or relevant).
• The gentle hum of my laptop
• The bell on my cat’s collar ringing as he prances around the house
• Another cat breathing as she sleeps soundly
• My mother singing Les Mis, horribly.

5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.

The general sound level is at a medium, half the people in my family are not present- but the loudest two are here. The amount of sound activity is decent, its at this time that the house is quiet enough to hear all the sounds my cats make, which is a lot.

6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.

7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
• The television
• The rattling of my cat’s bell collar
• The birds chirping

Listen to

Netherlands courtyard

Wind, 2 birds calling and responding to each other

Listen to

Location: Walking from my house to campus.
Sounds heard in the clip: Many birds chirping. Very strong winds, especially towards the end of the clip.


1- Walking around campus on Sunday afternoon
2- Cars driving by, plane over head
3- Birds chirping
4- My footsteps, ipod playing in ears
5- The general sound level medium and amount of sound activity low
6- Calm
7- Cars driving by, footsteps, and music playing.

Due: 3/23

1- 4:47am – My dorm room
2- Birds Chirping
3- Hum of fridge
4- Computer Fan, keys clicking on keyboard
5- The general sound level is low and amount of sound activity is low
6- Serene
7- Birds chirping, computer exhaust fan, fridge noises

Due: 2/17

Listen to

Location: Oak Street

Sounds heard: You can hear me walking, the wind, and cars whizzing by for a while, then you hear birds chirping. Finally an airplane flies overhead, you can hear the low sound and the whistling noise it makes as it goes directly over me.

1 – 3/23/12 – 8:19 am – Dorm Room

2- Birds tweeting in the morning
3- the wind blowing
4- my roommate sleeping/breathing
5- pretty quiet
6- morning
7- birds, sleeping, wind

1. 3/14/12   11:15am   Common hour, bench near Roosevelt Hall

2. The sounds farthest away from me are people sitting at the tables talking and laughing.

3. The sounds at a medium distance are birds chirping in a tree and a door to the building in front of me being opened and shut.

4. The sounds closest to me are people walking on the sidewalk/ground, you can hear their shoes shuffling. I also hear my phone receive an email and it makes a little ringing noise.

5. The general sound level is somewhat moderate, and the level remains fairly constant.

6. I would describe the sound environment as “lively”.

7. Three sounds essential to the sound environment are the birds chirping, people talking behind me, and the sounds of people walking.  They are common sounds for common hour, when people are going to meetings or relaxing before class in the nice weather.

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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