Journal entry 4

Location: 3/31/2023, 5:12 bedroom

Furthest sounds: cars driving down hempstead turn pike, further cars driving in the distance, cars honking, engines revving, semi trunks hissing and stopping

medium: car doors being closed, cars going over the metal plate in the road near my house,  the popeyes drive throw window worker talking about combos, my roommate playing loud rock music in the basement.

closest: the sound of the youtube video about black holes i am watching, me typing on my computer

sound level: loud but not busy

description: relaxing

essential sounds: car honks, loud basement music, youtube video

Journal Entry #4

Date: March 30

Location: LHCOMM Classroom

Far Sounds: doors opening from down the hall, professor’s voice through the wall

Medium Sounds: air vents, people moving in their seats, clearing their throats, marker squeaking on the board

Close Sounds: Professor lecturing, people writing in their notebooks

Sound Description/Level: the professor himself is loud and clear because he projects his voice, but other than that the level of noise is pretty quiet.

One Word: enthusiasm

Most Important Sounds: Professor talking, marker squeaking

Journal Entry #3

Date: 3/10/23

Location: the walk from the Student Center to VP

Far sounds: someone singing or playing music (faint), cars driving

Medium sounds: planes overhead, doors to the tower dorms opening

Close sounds: footsteps, jangling keys, stuff in bags rustling, clothes brushing, footsteps, breathing, friends talking

Sound description/level: It’s quiet, which make the quieter sounds like breathing and clothes brushing louder. The general feeling is calm. It’s also nighttime, so it’s dark out, which lends itself to the muted nature of the surrounding world.

One word: muted

Most important sounds: footsteps, jangling keys, friends talking

Journal entry #3

March 10th, 2023

1:12 pm

Hofstra Gym, second floor

Far sounds – hum of machines surrounding me, weights hitting floor downstairs, muffled conversations as people run by, feet hitting the track surrounding me

medium sounds – rhythmic hum of treadmills as people run, tv above me, music on radio in gym speakers, conversation behind me, pull of the paper towel machine

Close sounds – music pulsing in my headphones, water bottle clanking against the machine, the hit of my feet on the treadmill 

Sound level – full of random clashing background noise, but overall medially mellow. Not too rambunctious. 

one word – focused

Most important sounds —  rhythmic hum of treadmills as people run, pull of the paper towel machine,  weights hitting floor 

Journal Entry 3

  1. 03/08/2023 – 1:55 PM – Outside of the Graduate Residence Hall
    Far away: The Hofstra Shuttle moving around, footsteps
    Medium: Very windy, some cars driving, someone locking their car with the alarm
    Closest: Birds, the gardeners trimming the grass and collecting shavings in garbage bags
    The sound level is medium.
    Descriptor: Tranquil
    The essential sounds are: the soft footsteps, the wind, and the gardeners.

Sound Journal 2

Date: 2/24, 5:58pm

Location: Dutch Treats

Far sounds: water running in the kitchen in the back

Medium sounds: rustling of a bag, door opening and closing, beep of the scanner at the register, people walking around shopping

Close sounds: the TV playing loudly (ads, then Star Wars music), the cashiers having a conversation, a staff member answering a phone call, the refrigerated items shelf buzzing, the crinkle of the Uncrustable I’m about to buy

Sound description/level: it’s not a busy time for Dutch but there are a handful of other people so it’s a fairly consistent volume in here. Not loud; you can hear the TV from anywhere inside but it’s not overwhelming, and a few people are talking but when they move away I can’t hear them as clearly

One word: supermarket

Most important sounds: the TV, the cashiers’ conversation, the fridges buzzing

Journal Entry #2

Outside CV Starr

3:36 pm 2/24/23

Farthest sound- cars driving by on the turnpike, honking of said cars, construction truck backing up

Medium sounds- tumbling leaves, rustling of trees around me, brief conversations of people walking by, airplane overhead, lawn mower hum

Close sounds – music in my headphones, wind against the outside of my headphones, rushing of water from drinking of my water bottle, me swallowing, clanking of keys in my pocket, rustling of hands against my jacket

Sound level/amount – the sound levels of this spot ebbed and flowed, but on a general noise scale, there was rather nothing majorly apparent., but enough general background noise to take notice of. 

One word – serene

Three most important noises – 

  • Wind against the outside of my headphones
  • The rustling of the leaves
  • Rustling of trees

Journal Entry #1

Location: 224 Lenox living room  Time: 10 PM

Farthest Away Sounds:

  • people talking and laughing upstairs
  • footsteps upstairs
  • music playing upstairs

Mid Range Sounds:

  • sink running in kitchen next door
  • plates and bowls clanking in the sink
  • bedroom door opening in closing

Closest Sounds:

  • roommates sitting around table talking and laughing
  • chairs being scooched on floor
  • tv playing wii music

Sound Level:

When I started my observation I was the only one in the room and was mostly hearing everything upstairs that was very faint and far away and then as it went on more and more people joined in the living room and then we started playing games and it progressively got louder and more lively

Descriptors: lively but calm

Essential Sounds

  • laughing
  • music
  • wii music

Journal Entry #1

2/9/23, 8:50pm

Couch in the Living room at my off campus house

Farthest sounds – revving car engine, fridge humming, rustling wind in the front trees, plane rumbling overhead

medium sounds – doors opening up the stairs, fire station alarm (from the station behind our house), running faucet, radiator humming, footsteps upstairs, creaking floorboards

closest sounds – clicking of my laptop keys, housemate chewing her dinner, footsteps, styrafoam food container scraping, tin foil crinkling

sound description/level – when I started my observation, it was relatively quiet and the loudest thing was the clicking of my keyboard, sitting in the room by myself. My housemates got home, and the room was flooded with sporadic yet controlled noise levels of everyone doing their own night routines, settling down for the evening. the room really ebbed and flowed.

descriptor – at ease

Essential sounds – chewing, footsteps, clicking of my laptop keys