Location: Dover house C Square
Sounds: Water running, dishes being cleaned, water being dumped out of cups, cups being put down, muffled laughter, clattering
Location: Dover house C Square
Sounds: Water running, dishes being cleaned, water being dumped out of cups, cups being put down, muffled laughter, clattering
Location: 4/25/23, Citi Field
Sounds heard: people (including kids) chatting, the din from the people at the stadium all talking, the announcer’s voice announcing Luis García, me and my friend discussing what happened in the game, a very good pun by me (Luis Ghost-cia)
Location: in my car, driving from my house to Hofstra.
Sounds Heard: turn signal clicking and turning off, wheel turning, car engines revving, wind, car engines running, other cars driving by.
Sounds in video: Me eating lunch, me and my roommates sniffling, me and my roommates clearing our throats, gravity falls in the background, my roommates taking to each other
upper deck of student center study area (5/5/23)
sounds heard: misc. chatter and laughter, chairs scraping ground, the water pressurizer from the starbucks barista, faint phone alarm
Hofstra Unispan
Sounds Heard: My footsteps, my breathing, the echo of people talking, plastic keychain clacking, music from Brooklyn Slice,
Location: outside Emily lowe hall
Sound: door opening, gardeners, birds tweeting
Sounds Present: Legend of Korra playing on TV in the background, me sipping coffee and also blowing on that same exact coffee
Subway Station 110th Street, Central Park
Sounds Heard: Wind, Sound of Subway arriving on tracks, Subway Breaks squealing, pa system announcement, door opening ding
dance concert tech rehearsal
Sounds heard: counting of choreographer, shuffle of feet, high pitched ringing of tv above me, hum of playhouse air conditioner.