Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Ralph’s Italian Ices May 17 5:20 PM
Close sounds: customers placing orders, freezer doors opening, employees talking to each other
Medium sounds: cars driving down Franklin avenue, cars pulling into the parking lot
Far sounds: car wash employees talking, hoses spraying, dryers blowing
Sound level: high
One word description: busy
Most important sounds: customers placing orders, freezer doors opening, employees talking to each other
Firemens Memorial Field May 17 5:10 PM
Close sounds: baseballs being hit, crowd cheering, coaches talking, wind blowing
Medium sounds: birds chirping, trees blowing in the wind
Far sounds: cars driving down the street
Sound level: moderate
One word description: athletic
Most important sounds: baseballs being hit, crowd cheering, coaches talking
North Woodmere Park May 17 4:45 PM
Close Sounds: kids playing on playground, swingset squeaking, people talking, wind blowing
Medium sounds: cars pulling into parking lot, seagulls squawking
Far sounds: airplanes flying into jfk
Sound level: moderate
One word description: fun
Most important sounds: kids playing, seagulls squawking, airplanes flying into jfk
Valley Stream Dog Park May 17 4:25 PM
Close sounds: Dogs barking, people chitchatting, chains jingling on dog collars, wind blowing
Medium sounds: trees blowing in the wind, cars pulling into parking lot
Far sounds: cars driving down sunrise highway, train arriving at valley stream train station, mr. Softee truck
Sound Level: moderate
One word description: relaxed
Most important sounds: dog barking, people chitchatting, chains jingling on dog collars
Date: May 17th
Time: 8:13pm
Location: outside on Hope Street
Sounds Heard: a breeze, birds chirping, someones voice carrying from inside their house, someone opening and closing their front door, a plane passing by overhead, a very far away train
Location: my driveway
Time: 4:24pm
Date: May 16th, 2022
Sounds Heard: rain falling and hitting the ground, the light noises of the differences of rain hitting various objects (the roof of my car, side of the house, a cardboard box someone left in the driveway) my house mate laughing inside, the rain picking up and growing more intense, the wind
Location and time: May 16th, 12:11pm, outside my house
Sounds heard: many birds chirping, the AC in the living room window running, kids yelling and screaming somewhere far away, the front screen door opening and closing, a birds wings flapping, a very light breeze rustling the leaves of the trees
Date: May 16
Location and Time: 12:03pm, my kitchen
Far Sounds: a birds chirping outside
Medium Sounds: the toaster oven ticking, the keurig boiling water for coffee, some rattling around silverware, the sink running
Close Sounds: my house mates talking and laughing, my house mate typing on their laptop next to me, someone singing
Sound Description/Level: many noises happening at once, pretty loud, the sounds of people getting ready to go to various places for the day
One Word: busy
May 1st 2022
Eve Journal 6
DATE: 05/01/2022
TIME: 9:02 pm
LOCATION of the sound environment: John Adams Playhouse dressing rooms
- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
Outside chatting
Laughs, screams of joy,
- Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
Shutting of doors
Dancers walking
The sound of pulling paper towel out
Water running from the sink
Scrolling of the different costumes (where they are hanging)
- Identify and list the sounds closest to you (You can include internal sounds if noticed or relevant).
Music from the show
Typing on the computer
Hair Dryers
- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
The level and activity of sound was extremely active, varied, and loud
- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.
- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
- Hair Dryers
- Screams and people chatting
- The music coming from the stage
date: 4/29/2022
location: bits and bytes
far sounds: trolly being pushed around in bits transferring items back and forth for food
medium sounds: blender being used
close sounds: students talking and singing barney theme song and clicking of typing keyboards. air vent making noise and sound of generator near me making a rattling noise.
sound/description: quiet and chill, relaxing but funny too.
one word: relaxing
important sounds: generator running in the back and students singing