Sound Journal

  1. 4/27/24 10:31AM Blackbox
  2. furthest sound: people talking about cues, rehearsal cubes being moved around backstage
  3. medium range: actors onstage singing
  4. close to me: keyboards clacking, people whispering
  5. sound level and activity: the sound level was low-medium; the people meant to be heard were easily heard, but there wasn’t much movement otherwise
  6. description: focused
  7. essential sounds: cue discussions, actors singing, hushed whispers

Journal Entry

3/5/14, 5:57 PM, John Cranford Adams Playhouse

2- The sound of Stephanie (Scenic Charge) joking with Beja stage right, Sampson’s footsteps across the raked stage, the sound of Roni flogging the unpainted fruit cart

3- Deanna talking to Anna while they paint the apron, the sound of a drill from under the extension, the chatters of the run crew as they prepare for rehearsal.

4- The sound of my finger fiddling with the trigger on the screw gun, my heart racing as I try not to mess up the “nugget” which I’m countersinking,

5- The sound level here is very high, as everyone is preparing for the open dress rehearsal. Everyone has a task, and they are all racing to finish the final touches.

6- Busy

7- The drill whirring, my heart racing, Sampson’s footsteps, Roni’s flogging (I think that’s what it’s called)



Beja Journal Entry:

Date, Time, Location: Thursday, February 16, 2012; 8:30PMish, half hour call of a dress rehearsal

Farthest Sounds: Hangers Clanking, wood and casters dragging on the floor.

Medium Range Sounds: Stage Manager and crew’s footsteps at a fast pace, actors footsteps slow but loud. Director and SM Screaming. Chatter, microphone feedback

Closets Sounds: Commands from amplifier, sound check, pen and papers turning.

Sound Activity (Amount/Level): Loud

Descriptive Word: Hectic

Essential Sounds: Assortment of footsteps, Verbal commands from SM, Sound check with feedback on amplifier.