Journal Entry #1

1. 2/2/12  Au Bon Pain, Hofstra University: 5:45 pm

2. The sounds farthest away from me are chairs scraping the floor as they are pulled out and then pushed in. Some people are talking to each other in normal voices.

3. At medium range, there are people talking as well, and their voices are louder than the people far away from me. A girl laughs noticeably and her laugh is very high pitched and startling.  A speaker is playing music on my left side.  The song playing is “I Feel Like a Woman”. The volume seems very loud for such a small area.

4. The sounds closest to me are people talking behind me. Someone is playing with a set of keys and I can hear them jingling repeatedly, almost like they are hitting something, maybe the table.

5. The general sound level is very loud and harsh. Sounds are coming from all directions except for my right because I am near the window. There is constant noise that seems to fill the room.

6. I would describe this sound environment as “bustling”.

7. Three sounds essential to the sound environment are the people talking around me, the chairs scraping over the floor as people go to sit down with their food, and the music playing over the speaker.  Together these sounds are clues to the fact that the environment is a place where people can leisurely enjoy food, conversation, and music, and the atmosphere with these sounds conveys a sense of community and familiarity.

Journal Entry 5

1) 3/1/11-4:00 p.m.- table near the side entrance of Au Bon Pain

2) The sounds furthest away from me included faint music, muffled talking on the other side of the cafe, and the front entrance door clicking as it closed.

3) The sounds in medium range from me included keys near the register jingling, thuds of food and cups hitting the bottom of the garbage can, the side entrance door clicking as it opened and closed, people talking at tables around me, shoes shuffling, and a hand slamming on a table.

4) My friend slurping soup, my sandwich wrapper crinkling, and my cup tapping the table would be considered sounds closest to me.

5) The sound level was extremely loud because there were many students at Au Bon Pain when afternoon classes ended.  The sound of people talking was the most overwhelming sound in the cafe. The sound activity was high, but many sounds were drowned out by the sound of people talking.

6) Dense

7) People talking, shoes shuffling, and the door clicking as it frequently opened and closed.

Journal Entry 4

1) 2/24/11-2:15 p.m.- table near one of the entrances inside Cafe on the Quad

2) The sounds furthest away from me included a paper bag crunching, the hiss of the espresso machine, change dropping into the cash register, beeps of orders being typed into the computer, music playing from overhead, the hum of the ventilation system,and voices of people ordering drinks.

3) The sounds in medium range from me included the door opening and closing, footsteps, keys jingling, and a chair scraping the ground.

4) My pen tapping on my notebook, my cellphone vibrating on the table, and the ice clinking in my plastic iced coffee cup would be considered sounds closest to me.

5) The sound level was loud because there were many students in the cafe at this time, and the sound activity was high because sounds came from different sources all around me.

6) Lively

7) The hissing espresso machine, ice clinking in my coffee cup, and the music playing overhead.