Journal Entry

  1. 3/16/17, 7 PM, Basement of Library
  2. Farthest sound: Students talking/studying at farthest table from me (opposite corner of floor)
  3. Medium: More students talking, clicking of shoes on marble floors, swishing of shoes on carpet
  4. Closest: Music coming from earbuds of the person next to me, pencil smoothly writing on paper
  5. Low sound level
  6. Quiet but tense
  7. keyboards, faint music, shoes hitting floor,

Journal Entry 8

1) 3/24/11-8:00 p.m.-Standing in the middle of the unispan.

2) The sounds furthest away from me included cars driving under the unispan and a distant honk from a car horn.

3) The sounds in medium range from me included a bag on wheels rolling across the cement, talking, feet scraping the cement, coats rustling, plastic bag rustling, shoe heels clicking, hum of motorized wheelchair, heavy breathing from a jogging boy, coughing, ringing of a cell phone, and faint music coming from headphones.

4) My feet impatiently taping the floor and my mechanical pencil squeaking across paper would be considered sounds closest to me.

5) The sound level was medium, but there was a lot of noise activity because people kept passing by me as I stood in one place on the unispan.  I considered the noises of passersby to be medium range from me because they were far away but then came close as they passed by me.

6) Hollow

7) The sound of the feet shuffling and scraping, talking, and the rush of the cars as they drive underneath the unispan.

Journal Entry 5

1) 3/1/11-4:00 p.m.- table near the side entrance of Au Bon Pain

2) The sounds furthest away from me included faint music, muffled talking on the other side of the cafe, and the front entrance door clicking as it closed.

3) The sounds in medium range from me included keys near the register jingling, thuds of food and cups hitting the bottom of the garbage can, the side entrance door clicking as it opened and closed, people talking at tables around me, shoes shuffling, and a hand slamming on a table.

4) My friend slurping soup, my sandwich wrapper crinkling, and my cup tapping the table would be considered sounds closest to me.

5) The sound level was extremely loud because there were many students at Au Bon Pain when afternoon classes ended.  The sound of people talking was the most overwhelming sound in the cafe. The sound activity was high, but many sounds were drowned out by the sound of people talking.

6) Dense

7) People talking, shoes shuffling, and the door clicking as it frequently opened and closed.

Journal Entry 3

1) 2/17/11-3:00 p.m.-Honors College Lounge on the 2nd Floor of the Axinn Library

2) Secretary typing and clicking her computer mouse, sigh from person walking by the lounge, printer printing paper, indistinguishable talking in a personal office, and hum from the ventilation were the furthest audible sounds from my position.

3) The sound of people unwrapping candy and chewing, a newspaper rustling, talking, water pouring into glass from a blue water cooler, and shoes clicking would qualify as medium range sounds.

4) My pen clicking, seltzer water fizzing, and my own breathing would be considered sounds closest to me.

5) The sound level was fairly quiet, but the sound activity was high. The sounds I heard were not very loud, but sounds were coming from all over the lounge from many different sources.

6) Pleasant

7) Secretary typing, unwrapping candy, and newspaper rustling.