1) 3/24/11-8:00 p.m.-Standing in the middle of the unispan.
2) The sounds furthest away from me included cars driving under the unispan and a distant honk from a car horn.
3) The sounds in medium range from me included a bag on wheels rolling across the cement, talking, feet scraping the cement, coats rustling, plastic bag rustling, shoe heels clicking, hum of motorized wheelchair, heavy breathing from a jogging boy, coughing, ringing of a cell phone, and faint music coming from headphones.
4) My feet impatiently taping the floor and my mechanical pencil squeaking across paper would be considered sounds closest to me.
5) The sound level was medium, but there was a lot of noise activity because people kept passing by me as I stood in one place on the unispan. I considered the noises of passersby to be medium range from me because they were far away but then came close as they passed by me.
6) Hollow
7) The sound of the feet shuffling and scraping, talking, and the rush of the cars as they drive underneath the unispan.