Journal Entry #8: Chris Z

2/2/2019, 6:13pm, thrift store in Garden City

Far-away sounds: Radio playing music, a bit of coughing, beeps of card reader at checkout.

Medium-range sounds: Footsteps, coat hangers clanking.

Close-range sounds: Clothes rustling from being picked up and thrown about, people talking.

General sound level: Medium high, elevated level of sound activity.

One-Word Description: Bustling

3 essential sounds: Coat hangers, talking, radio playing.

Journal entry

March 30, 7:30 pm

Danceworks run through

the music playing in Dempster, the girls down the hallway tap dancing, laughter from the girls

my friend tori’s music coming from her headphones, Jill typing on her computer, video playing from my phone

my heartbeat after dancing hard, my tap shoes tapping



the music in the background, people practicing their dances and laughing, my heartbeat

Journal Entry #8 – Hague 313B

  1. Date: March 29, 2018
    Time: 11am-ish
    Location: Hague 313B
  2. Farthest: cars passing by, a truck backing up, people outside walking by and talking
  3. Medium: the shower running, Hague’s door opening, people walking in the hall
  4. Closest: me mumbling about forgetting my journal entry
  5. General sound level: low
    General sound activity: medium
  6. One word description: busy
  7. 3 important sounds: The shower running, the truck backing up, me mumbling

Looking for Mascara in Sephora

Location: Sephora in Roosevelt Field, 2/13/18 around 4 pm

Description: Sephora was pretty busy today, and a lot of talking can be heard, such as a saleswoman describing a mattifying foundation. Additionally, there’s pop music playing in the background. The talking and the music dominate the clip.

Journal Entry #2 – Calkins Lab

  1. Date: February 5, 2018
    Time: 12:38 pm
    Location: Calkins Lab
  2. Farthest: people talking outside the room, the doors closing, people typing, people laughing
  3. Medium: The 3D printers wiring and printing, a girl talking to someone, two girls making weekend plans, people walking around
  4. Closest: my pen drawing and the turning of the pages
  5. General sound level: low
    General sound activity: medium
  6. One word description: busy
  7. 3 important sounds: people typing, the 3D printers, my pen drawing

Journal Entry

1/30/17 – 1:18pm – Au Bon Pain

Farthest- Chairs moving, paper and plastic food wrappers rustling

Medium- Song “One More Night” by Maroon 5, people talking

Close- My head pounding (headache), breathing

Sound Level- Medium

Sound Description- Busy

Essential Sounds- People talking, food wrappers rustling, chairs moving

Sound Journal #2

  1. 2/3/2016, 12:45 pm, Bits & Bites
  2. Farthest: Random chatter between the students at the window about their various lives and days
  3. Medium: The cash register lady asking a customer what item they ordered from the burger bar, two girls talking about how they are upset because the milkshake machine is broken, a student shaking their salad to mix it up
  4. Closest: A girl at the salad bar next to me telling the worker behind the bar what she wants in her salad, my own conversation with a friend behind me in line
  5. Sound Level: High, there were many people and a lot of conversations going on
  6. One word: Lively
  7. 3 words: conversation, cash register beeping, shaking salads

Journal Entry 1

January 31st 12:07pm Dorm Room

Farthest: tapping outside, cars passing by

Medium: bathroom door swinging, trash can being moved, people upstairs moving around, toilet flushing

Closest: fish tank motor humming, roommates alarm, roommate moving around in bed

Sound Level: Moderately loud.

One word: busy

Three essential sounds: fish tank motor, cars outside, bathroom door