Home Alone

7/5/15, 8pm, My apartment NYC

Farthest: Faint steady sound of jet engines

Medium: Low hum of wind

Closest: erratic rattle of storm windows as wind hits them

Sound level is mostly soft, almost quiet broken up by sharp crescendos of the rattling storm windows

One word description: erratic

3 sounds: jet engine, wind, rattling windows

Field Recording # 7

My Backyard, Centereach
At the beginning of the clip, sounds of me opening the gate to the backyard as well as it shutting can be heard. The sounds of leaves and twigs crunching and rustling underneath my feet can be heard along with the wind blowing. A faint motor of some sort from a neighboring yard is also heard in the background.

Sound Journal #5

1- February 25th, 2014, 6:20pm, Hempstead Turnpike

2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.

Furthest away from me, I can hear the sounds of cars passing by and some honking going on because we’re in New York and that’s what everyone does.

3- Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.

At medium range from me, I can hear the sounds of my feet crunching the snow as I’m walking down the sidewalk.

4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you (You can include internal sounds if noticed or relevant).

Closest to me, I can hear the sound of the wind rushing through my ears and around my body as I struggle to make my way through the cold back to campus.

5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.

The sound level is very overwhelming. The wind doesn’t feel good against my skin and the sound hurts my ears. The cars rush past at scary speeds and their sounds are not always heard until they’re on top of you.

6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.


7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment. Note: you need to try and figure out what sounds make up this environment and which of those sounds need to be there for the feeling of the environment to stay intact.

Three sounds which are essential to the sound environment are the sounds of the cars passing by, the crunching of the snow under my feet, and the wind rushing around and deafening out everything around me.

Journal Entry #3

1. Thursday, February 13, 2014, 614B Colonial Square

2. Identify sounds farthest from you:

 Wind howling through the window of the lounge

Scraping of snow plows against pavement

3. Identify sounds at medium range:

Next door neighbor tapping on the wall

Heater blowing

4. Identify sounds closest to you:

My computer playing “Too Late” by The Dear Hunter

My bed creaking as I move on it

5. Level of sound activity: The room is very quiet. very few sounds are happening

6. One word to describe sound the environment: mellow

7. Three sounds that make the sound environment:

-Music being played

-Wind howling

-Neighbor tapping

Field Recording #2 – Wind and Rain

This field recording is taken inside our greenhouse; it’s basically a screened in porch, the windows don’t fully close so, although it’s freezing, it’s really awesome for listening for new sounds. I captured the sound of the wind and rain dripping off the roof of the greenhouse. It’s subtle, but as mentioned in my sound journal, the snow really creates a hush. It’s a quiet night and the rain is very soothing. Have a listen!

Sound Journal #3 – Snow Day

1. Thursday, February 13, 2014, 8:22 pm, Outside my house.

2. Identify sounds farthest from you: I am sitting on the front steps of my house and I can hear cars driving down the wet street — their tires naturally louder due to the road condition; and a plane engine up above that, in combination with the wind, sounds like it might take down the house.

3. Identify sounds at medium range: A person is walking down the sidewalk outside my house, he is moving slowly, carefully, trying not to slip and fall. He drags his boots down the sidewalk, occasionally trekking in the snow or into the street because some neighbor didn’t shovel in front of their house (rude), the soft snow absorbs the sound of his footsteps.

4. Identify sounds closest to me: The wind blows with such force that the street signs tremble, making a metallic sound akin to the thunder sheet. It has started to rain again, so I’m running inside, but the sound of the rain is absorbed as it falls into the piles of snow on the sides of our driveway and sidewalk. The wind blows the rain against the house and it taps rapidly against the sideboards. From the inside of the house,  the wind blows the rain against my bedroom window, too; the tapping on the glass is a louder, more echo-y sound than against the siding.

5. Level of sound activity: Despite the strong wind and the rain that has begun to come down, there is an overall hush due to the snow. There aren’t as many cars driving by because people have chosen to stay indoors and the snow really absorbs a lot of the everyday sounds I’m used to. I’d say the level of sound activity is probably medium due to this.

6. One word to describe sound environment: Windy.

7. Three sounds that make the sound environment: The cars driving further down the street, the strong wind against the street signs, and the rain tapping against the house.