Sounds: Cars going by on the turnpike, cars turning onto my street and passing my house, wind, me bumping my phone, birds chirping in a tree across the street, car honking
Sounds: Cars going by on the turnpike, cars turning onto my street and passing my house, wind, me bumping my phone, birds chirping in a tree across the street, car honking
Location: my house in Maryland, around 11am
Sounds: spoon stirring cinnamon sugar, using fork to cut matzah bri on a ceramic plate, spoon clinking against glass jar containing cinnamon sugar, sprinkling cinnamon sugar on the matzah bri
upstairs bathroom at off campus home
sounds heard: hum of vent, placing of bathroom items on counter, sniffle, water running, closing and opening of medicine cabinet.
outside bedroom window, 03/17/23
sounds heard: rustling of bed sheets, child screaming, car tires, airplane overhead, clanking of dishes downstairs.
Location: the Red Line in the DC Metro
Sounds heard: Metro voice announcing “doors closing,” automated voice announcing doors opening, background chatter, train moving over tracks
Location: On the A train in Brooklyn
Sounds heard: Train moving, conductor announcement voice
Location: in my friend’s car
Sounds heard: Funny/Habits by Makin’ Treble playing on car speakers (muffled), two distinct voices singing, someone laughing, someone talking
CV Starr, lecture class
Sounds heard: typing, voices (both muffled and clear) from different areas of lecture hall, crinkling of bag, someone taking a bite of food, soft laughter.
Location: Hofstra University, inside the Psibrary
Sounds Heard: people talking to each other in the distance, people speaking softly
Location: between HofUSA and Dutch Treats
Sounds heard: slight wind/air, sirens, a car horn honking, distant and muffled voices