Sound Journal #1

1- DATE-TIME-LOCATION of the sound environment
Thursday, January 30th, 2014. 2:36 p.m. EST. Room 107 Emily Lowe Hall, AKA “The Psibrary”

2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
>The whirring of a distant machine, possibly something in relation to the heating.
>Footsteps from way upstairs, they’re more of a shuffle than a step.
>A professor speaking. The noise is way too muffled to even determine the gender.

3- Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
>There’s a door that keeps slamming, the slam consists of two very rapid clicks, one for the collision of the door and the other for the locking mechanism.
>Voices in the next room over, students. The voices are orderly, not one speaks over the other.
>A stapler has been being used consistently for almost two minutes at this point. Followed by the occasional ‘Ah, shit’ from Angela.

4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you (You can include internal sounds if noticed or relevant).
>The noises nearest myself are very quiet.
>The clock ticks in a manner that makes you feel like it’s working too hard. The sound of a marker on an easel from the updated Act Facts of the day.
>Another clock is ticking, and it’s slightly out of sync with the other.
>A very calm tapping, something just short of a water droplet on the ceiling.

5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
The sound level is a few steps above eerily silent. The voices at medium range allow for a relaxing background that isn’t all that unnerving.
The activity can be described as dispersed, free, very thinned out, and passing.

6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.

7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
>Out of sync clocks
>The orderly voices of students

Journal Entry 7

1. March 14, 2013. 4:15 pm. Roosevelt 13.

2. Hum from air unit, jacket unzipping, door

3. Footsteps, voices, pretzel bag, notebook pages turning

4. Voices, bag being moved, chair moving, keys being placed on table

5. Low/medium. There are a lot of things happening, but most people are trying to not be very loud.

6. Subdued.

7. Notebook pages, voices, keys

Journal Entry 4

1. February 21, 6:15 PM, Back room of Bits and Bytes

2. Hum from vents, voices from main area of Bytes

3. Voices of people at other end of table, pages turning

4. Voices of people sitting next to me, water bottle being capped, myself chewing

5. Medium. Not many things happening, but the voices are very excited, especially for such a small room.

6. Passionate

7. Vent hum, voices, me chewing

Field Recording #6

Listen to

3/15/12   8:45 pm   Gas station

You can hear the voice and echo of a woman talking on the screens where the gas pumps are throughout the recording.  Cars whoosh by in front of me and the sounds get louder as they come closer.  At the end you hear the car door being opened and there are a few beeping noises  signaling that the door is open.

Journal Entry 4

1) 2/24/11-2:15 p.m.- table near one of the entrances inside Cafe on the Quad

2) The sounds furthest away from me included a paper bag crunching, the hiss of the espresso machine, change dropping into the cash register, beeps of orders being typed into the computer, music playing from overhead, the hum of the ventilation system,and voices of people ordering drinks.

3) The sounds in medium range from me included the door opening and closing, footsteps, keys jingling, and a chair scraping the ground.

4) My pen tapping on my notebook, my cellphone vibrating on the table, and the ice clinking in my plastic iced coffee cup would be considered sounds closest to me.

5) The sound level was loud because there were many students in the cafe at this time, and the sound activity was high because sounds came from different sources all around me.

6) Lively

7) The hissing espresso machine, ice clinking in my coffee cup, and the music playing overhead.