The Copper Onion

The Cooper Union Green Room, 3/3/18, 4:08 pm
Farthest: My friend talking to the security guard about getting the key to the lighting room
Medium: Water running in a pipe above me, air vent
Closest: My boots squeaking, piano, chair creaking
Level: Quiet-Medium
Description: Relaxing
Important sounds: Piano, water running, chair creaking, talking to the security guard

Crossing California

Location and Date: Crossing California Avenue, around 11:00am on March 1st

Sounds Heard: Beeping of a construction truck, my own footsteps on the concrete, cars screeching to a stop or simply driving by, the doors of Monroe opening and people starting to talk

Driving Home

March 1st, 11:30pm, Driving down Oak Street
Farthest: Other cars driving by
Medium: My engine, weird and unexplained sounds of my car, tires splashing through puddles
Closest: Rain on my windshield, windshield wipers, music on the radio
Level: Medium
Description: Rushed
Important sounds: My engine, rain on the windshield, music on the radio

Culture and Expression Social Sciences

Breslin Hall, February 22nd, 12:30 pm
Farthest: Air vent whirring
Medium: Professor Fazeli talking about the economics of the slave trade, crinkling of a bag, clicking the top of a pen
Closest: Opening a bag of chips, my pen scratching out notes on paper
Level: Medium
Description: Educational
Important sounds: Professor Fazeli talking, opening a bag of chips, my pen on paper

Entering Vander Poel

Location: Outside of Vander Poel hall into the lobby, 2/21/18 around 11:20am

Sounds heard: My sneakers on the damp concrete (my favorite sound here, it was interesting), wind, the card-swipe machine beeping, the front door opening, the turnstile creaking


Looking for Mascara in Sephora

Location: Sephora in Roosevelt Field, 2/13/18 around 4 pm

Description: Sephora was pretty busy today, and a lot of talking can be heard, such as a saleswoman describing a mattifying foundation. Additionally, there’s pop music playing in the background. The talking and the music dominate the clip.

Honors College Lounge

  1. Honors College Lounge- 2/12/18- 11:15 am
  2. Farthest: Printer running, secretary talking to a student, woman on the phone in an office
  3. Medium: Student typing on a keyboard, someone walking past and shuffling their feet
  4. Closest: Coffee machine boiling water
  5. Level: Typically quiet but has bursts of noise every few moments
  6. Description: Studious
  7. Important sounds: Typing, people on the phone, coffee machine boiling water, printer running

Broadhollow Theatre

  1. Broadhollow Theatre – 2/07/18 – 3pm
  2. Farthest: Singing coming from the theatre
  3. Medium: Acapella music coming from my coworker’s laptop, typing, opening drawers
  4. Closest: Router running, chair wheels moving, humming
  5. Level: Quiet to Medium
  6. Description: Lull
  7. Important sounds: Acapella music on the computer, router running, and music from inside the theatre

Field Recording – Week of 2/09

Location and Date- My boyfriend John’s room on 2/2/18, around 9:30 pm

Sounds heard- Dryer turning and clanking (the most obvious sound although the dryer is in another room), John typing on the keyboard and sighing in frustration (less obvious), clicking on the mouse