March 1st, 11:30pm, Driving down Oak Street
Farthest: Other cars driving by
Medium: My engine, weird and unexplained sounds of my car, tires splashing through puddles
Closest: Rain on my windshield, windshield wipers, music on the radio
Level: Medium
Description: Rushed
Important sounds: My engine, rain on the windshield, music on the radio
Tag Archives: rain
Journal Entry #4 – Pondering in the Rain
- Date: 2/22/18, Time: about noon, Location: Inside my car, in the parking lot near the Netherlands
- Sounds farthest: Clouds slightly rumbling, honks in the distance
- Sounds at medium range: Cars rolling by, students walking by
- Sounds closest: Wind blowing, raindrops falling on car window
- Level of sound activity: Generally quiet
- Dreary
- Raindrops falling on car window, wind blowing and clouds slightly rumbling
Field Recording 2
The noises outside my window at 9pm on 2/15/2018
sounds heard : crows, the wind, cars driving through the puddles from the day, me almost dropping my phone from the 6th floor
Field Recording
In a puddle in the Netherlands Parking lot
Splashing and rain
Journal Entry
- 4/6/17, 8pm, 13th Floor of Vander Poel Hall
- Farthest-Car horn honking, rumbling of thunder, a screeching siren.
- Medium-Howling wind, a toilet flushing, some people chatting in the next room over, people playing Foosball.
- Closest-Music from my headphones on the table, raindrops hitting the window in bursts, someone shifting through puzzle pieces behind me.
- Moderate amount of activity and and medium-low sound level
- Unsettled
- Rumbling thunder, howling wind, raindrops on window.
Journal Entry
4/6/2017 4:30 PM Dormroom, Hague House, Netherlands North, Hofstra University
2 thunder, cars/traffic
3 rain against window
4 youtube video on laptop: talking and sounds from game, crunch from eating goldfish
5 quiet, even the video is as low as it can go, constant
6 dim
7 the goldfish crunch, rain, and video noises (indistinct)
- Sitting in my car listening to the rain on Thursday
- Rain hitting the roof of my car
1- 17:24 April 6 my room in Hague
2-Thunder, people running,
3- Rain slamming against the window, air conditioning
4- The Departed on my TV, phone buzzing,
5- Busy and loud
6- Chaotic
7- Thunder, rain, the departed
Rainy Day
date/location: March 31st, near Hofstra Hall, 5:50pm
sounds heard: wind, rain, me walking, me stepping in puddles, bird chirping
Mineola Station
Mineola Train Station (Sunday Night)
Skateboarding, rain, wind