Journal Entry #3

March 11th, 1:00am – Corner of Belmont and California Ave.

Farthest Away: Girls screaming and the whoosh of cars driving on a wet road.

Medium Range: The rustling of leaves from the wind.

Closest: The softness of the person next to me’s breathing, and the water dripping onto the ground from gutters, drains, and roofs.

Sound Level: Everything was at the same level regarding my ears. Since I was hearing everything at a consistent level, the farthest away sounds were actually louder than the closest sounds, so that my ears could pic them up as being at the same volume.

Sound Activity: Everything was very consistent except for when the cars would stop at the traffic light. However, even though the cars on the turnpike directly in front of me were stopped, I could still hear other cars driving on the wet pavement a couple streets away.

Description: Wet

Essential Sounds:

  • Cars driving on wet pavement
  • The dripping water
  • The rustling of leaves