Journal Entry

  1. 4/6/17, 8pm, 13th Floor of Vander Poel Hall
  2. Farthest-Car horn honking, rumbling of thunder, a screeching siren.
  3. Medium-Howling wind, a toilet flushing, some people chatting in the next room over, people playing Foosball.
  4. Closest-Music from my headphones on the table, raindrops hitting the window in bursts, someone shifting through puzzle pieces behind me.
  5. Moderate amount of activity and and medium-low sound level
  6. Unsettled
  7. Rumbling thunder, howling wind, raindrops on window.

Journal Entry

4/6/2017  4:30 PM  Dormroom, Hague House, Netherlands North, Hofstra University

2  thunder, cars/traffic

3  rain against window

4  youtube video on laptop: talking and sounds from game, crunch from eating goldfish

5  quiet, even the video is as low as it can go, constant

6  dim

7  the goldfish crunch, rain, and video noises (indistinct)

Sound Journal

  1. 4/6/17, around 7 pm, my dorm
  2. farthest: cars driving through puddles on Oak St., rain pattering on the road and trees.
  3. Medium: Thunder rolling, rain hitting the window
  4. Closest: I’m watching RuPaul’s Drag Race with headphones in
  5. Sound level is loud with a lot of activity
  6. energetic
  7. thunder, cars splashing puddles, loud rain

Thunder During Midterm

  1. April 6, 4:24, 201 Brower Hall
  2. Far Sounds: Thunder rumbling
  3. Medium Sounds: Classmates murmuring in excitement and professor telling everyone to be quiet
  4. Close Sounds: Pen scratching across my paper
  5. Sound Level: Medium
  6. Environment: Explosive and then subdued
  7. Essential Sounds: Thunder, classmates talking, scratching of my pen

Journal Entry 10

1- Wednesday April 10, around 7:30pm (or whenever it began to downpour), intramural fields

2- Girls screaming and shouting to each other, scrambling to the cars; another car drives by humming through the rain

3- Thunder rolls loudly and rain hits the metal face of the scoreboard for the softball field.

4- Rain pours down all around and on me, pitter-pattering, slapping and clapping against the ground; my cleats crunch on the ground

5- The sound activity is low, but the sound level is a medium, spiking high with each crack of thunder

6- Calming

7- Rain, footsteps, thunder


Field Recording #9

Listen to

Identify the location of the clip – This recording was taken as I was walking from the student center to my room during the torrential downpour

Identify the sounds heard in the clip – This clip starts out with me holding my phone up in the wire frame of my umbrella in the middle of a torrential spring downpour. Shortly after the clip begins one can hear the sound of a very loud and deep thunder clap across the campus as I walked into the unispann. From here you can hear a bunch of voices murmuring of all the people that are waiting out the storm. Their voices have a small echo to them and fill the space as I walk through it. From here you can hear me shake out my umbrella of all the excess water and begin to walk across the unispann. The rest of the clip is of me walking across the unispann and passing different groups of people as they discover the storm outside.