Sound Journal #1

1 – 1/27/14 – 12:39pm – Axinn Library, second floor

2 – Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
Numerous students conversing in the adjacent room.
A group of people shuffling toward the stairwell door.

3 – Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
Students talking to each other on the red couches.
The student printer, printing out homework.
The “pinging” noise the elevator makes as it approaches the second floor, along with the opening of the elevator doors.
The stairwell door closing loudly.

4 – Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
My repetitious typing on the computer’s keyboard.
The drone of the heat registers in back of the computer monitors.
Students flipping through the sheets of their study guides near me.

5 – Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
The general sound level and rate of activity feel moderate for the second floor. The noises of the keyboards are generally consistent. The loud voices of the other students prove to be distracting as they carry out their conversation, while other students are completing assignments.

6 – Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.

7 – Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
The typing on the computer keyboards.
The elevator’s noises.
The consistent sound the heat registers make.

Journal Entry #5

1) 2/28/13, 11:30PM, Republic Hall Elevator

2) The pulleys working to carry the elevator up and down, sounds like machinery that needs to be lubricated with oil

3) The door squeaking open, and the elevator sliding against the walls, the high-pitched “ding” that signifies that the intended floor has been reached

4) The air conditioner

5) The level of sound is very high, but there isn’t much activity. The sounds are almost all isolated. The “ding” will always happen before the door opens, never after or at the same time. The door will only open after I stop hearing the pulleys. The only sound that is constantly present is that of the air conditioner.

6) “Confined”

7) The squealing sound of the elevator sliding against the wall, that “ding”, and the always-present (always very loud) air conditioner.

Journal Entry 10

1) 4/7/11-8:00 p.m.-Lobby of Alliance Hall

2) The laundry room door opening and closing, the hum of vending machines, and faint voices coming from outside were the furthest audible sounds.

3) The ding of the elevator, the elevator doors opening and closing, a person putting coins into a jar for Penny Wars, people talking in the RA office, and the sliding entrance doors opening and closing would qualify as medium range sounds.

4) My earrings jingling and my soft breathing would be considered sounds closest to me.

5) The sound level was fairly quiet. The sound activity was low because people do not hang out in the lobby area; people in the lobby are either quickly leaving the building or rushing to the elevator.  The ding of the elevator was the most repetitive sound I heard.

6) Dull

7) Elevator dinging, entrance doors sliding open, and talking in the RA office.

Journal Entry 7

1) 3/17/11-3:00 p.m.-Kitchen on the 12th floor of Alliance Hall

2) The sounds furthest away from me included the ding of the elevator, a television blaring in a nearby study room, buzz of the fluorescent lights, and people talking outside the kitchen.

3) The sounds in medium range from me included the hum of the air vent above, the buzz of the fluorescent lights, person humming near the microwave, microwave beep, popcorn bag crinkling open, chewing and crunching of popcorn, and the kitchen door opening and closing.

4) The tink of my metal water bottle hitting the table, my breathing, and knuckles cracking would be considered sounds closest to me.

5) The sound level was low because only one other person was in the kitchen with me, but there were many dings and beeps around me so there were many sound sources.

6) Agreeable

7) The sound of the microwave beeping, the sound of the television blaring in another room, and the chewing of food.

Journal Entry 1

1) 2/3/11-9:30 p.m.-Lounge on the 12th floor of Alliance Hall

2) The occasional DING of the elevator doors opening as well as the television in the far off room were the furthest audible sounds.

3) The sound of people talking, doors opening, and chairs moving, all sounds coming from adjacent rooms would qualify as medium range.

4) The florescent lights above were the closest external sound, but considering I was quite sick, my own haggard breathing was by far the closest sound.

5) The sound activity was low; only two people heard speaking to one another, while the television in the furthest room away had high sound levels and was quite loud even though I was in another enclosed room a distance away.

6) Mellow

7) The noise from the television, elevator dings, and people talking.