Journal Entry #10 – Ferguson

1. Date: 4/11/20 – Time: 11:15am – Location: My Yard

2. Farthest from me, I can hear my neighbors from across the street talking and their car doors being closed.  I can hear the wind constantly blowing through the trees in the backyard.

3. In a medium range, I can hear some cars passing by my house, which includes the sound of a mail truck.  Also, I hear the mailman opening up and shutting several mailboxes along the street.

4. The sounds closest to me include my footsteps and the sound of a metal shovel banging against rocks.  I can hear the bag of mulch being emptied onto the flowerbed as well.

5. The general sound level is rather quiet than noisy since there is only a little amount of sound activity occurring.

6. One word to describe the “sound environment” is “delightful”.

7. Three sounds that are essential to the “sound environment” are the wind blowing through the trees, a metal shovel banging against rocks, and the sound of the mail truck.

Sound Journal #1

1 – 1/27/14 – 12:39pm – Axinn Library, second floor

2 – Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
Numerous students conversing in the adjacent room.
A group of people shuffling toward the stairwell door.

3 – Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
Students talking to each other on the red couches.
The student printer, printing out homework.
The “pinging” noise the elevator makes as it approaches the second floor, along with the opening of the elevator doors.
The stairwell door closing loudly.

4 – Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
My repetitious typing on the computer’s keyboard.
The drone of the heat registers in back of the computer monitors.
Students flipping through the sheets of their study guides near me.

5 – Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
The general sound level and rate of activity feel moderate for the second floor. The noises of the keyboards are generally consistent. The loud voices of the other students prove to be distracting as they carry out their conversation, while other students are completing assignments.

6 – Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.

7 – Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
The typing on the computer keyboards.
The elevator’s noises.
The consistent sound the heat registers make.