Max’s Journal Entry #3

1- 2/18/15 11:30 Spiegel (Club Meetings)

2- People in the very back of the theater whispering. (I sit on the stage)
3- People keep moving around and the chairs make noise. Also, I can hear people from the other two clubs preparing what they will be saying while our club (USITT) is talking.
4- Nic is talking about USITT business right next to me.
5- Nics voice is loud but the rest of the room is quiet.
6- Attentive.
7- Presenter speaking, sound of chairs moving, people whispering.


The city that never sleeps, even when we sure as hell wish WE could.

1. 2/8/15, 9:50am: On our way to city class, the corner of 29th Street & 6th Ave

Farthest Sounds: Cars honking way down the street, muffled music from inside the venues we pass. A woman way ahead scolding her dog for taking the liberty of pooping on the sidewalk.

Medium Sounds: A crazy (homeless?) man shouting about (what, to his mind, was) social justice. His voice is hoarse and pitched much higher than his optimal range because he is so furious and intent on expressing it. My classmates who have fallen a bit behind are giggling about some gossip they don’t want the rest of the group to hear.

Closest Sounds: My, and my other classmates’, hurried footsteps on the sidewalk, with occasional crunching on ice/snow that isn’t yet melted. (The ones who, like me, desperately need Starbucks before class are making a pointed attempt at picking up our feet so we can get there on time). Jack talking about hypochondria and laughing.

Sound Level: Not nearly as loud as NYC gets, but we defy decibel expectations for a group of students heading to class on a Saturday morning.

One-Word Description: Bustling

Three essential sounds: Homeless man shouting, cars honking, footsteps.

Journal Entry Number 2

1. 2/11/15 8:12 Pm, Vander Poel Dorm

2. Farthest-airplane passing above, elevator creaking open

3. Medium-refrigerator running, door slamming outside my room, something possibly falling on the floor in the room above mine, weird whoosh noise coming from unknown location.

4. Closest-the hum of fish tanks filter, phone vibrating on the desk

5. Sound levels that are the farthest away are not constant, the ones nearer are pretty consistent and at medium levels of loudness. Overall though its a pretty quiet time.

6. One Word-Peaceful

7. Three essential sounds-hum of fish tank, weird whoosh noise, airplane passing above.

Max’s Journal Entry #2

1- Feb. 12. 11:33am – Bernard Hall

2- There are thumping sounds coming from upstairs. People moving their desks and opening and closing doors.
3- My professor is speaking about Intellectual Property Rights.
4- The two kids on either side of me are typing. A cough or sniffle from people in the classroom is heard every now and then.
5- Sound level is relatively tame- My professor is lecturing and has been talking for some time now making the sound of her voice the constant in the room.
6- Soft.
7- My professor talking – The sound of people’s keyboards, the constant thumping from upstairs.




Journal Entry Number 1

1. February 1st, 1:40 PM, Vander Poel Floor 2 Hallway

2. Farthest- a door is slamming, toilet is flushing

3. Medium- the elevator ding, and a shower is running

4. Closest- voices, air running

5. Sound Level- pretty low sound level, sounds were consistent except for certain sounds such as door and toilet that broke the peaceful hum.

6. One word- soothing

7. Three essential sounds- air running, shower and elevator ding

Journal Entry #1:

1) 2/5/15, 9:50pm, study session in Michael Caizzi’s room

2) Farthest: Cars driving (inappropriately fast) in the Colonial Square parking lot, someone upstairs dropping things on the floor.

3) Medium: Clock ticking in the suite, quiet chat in the neighboring room

4) Closest: Michael talking and typing on his keyboard, the HVAC blowing cool air, Judy Garland on vinyl.

5) The sound level and activity is pretty low. No sudden fluctuations in the kinds of sounds, or the volumes of them.

6) One-Word Description: Homey.

7) Three Sounds Essential to the Environment: The “buhhhhhhhhhhh” of the HVAC (it is relaxing and makes a steady background noise). The typing on both of our keyboards (sounds like productivity in tandem). Judy Garland singing “The Trolley Song” (warm, familiar).

Max’s Journal Entry Post #1

1- 2/3/15-1:10pm-L216

2- There is a tracker-like sound coming from outside. I have to assume it’s a snow plow from the bang I hear every now and then.
3- The steady yet calm wind as well as people outside talking. I also heard someone open and close the conference door. I can tell that it is the conference door from the vibration of the wall.
4- I can hear my own typing as well as the clock. Other than that, it is relatively silent in the room.
5- Eerily quiet.
6- Calm
7- The clock is the most important sound. Because if we couldn’t hear the clock running than it wouldn’t be quiet/calm, there would be something drowning it out. The calming steady sound of the wind because this acts as a sort of background white noise sound. The small, low chatter of students outside.


Sound Journal #8

1. Location: Intramural Field, 2:00pm, Wednesday 3/36

2. List the sounds farthest from you.

  • Plane engine overhead

3.  List sounds at medium range from you.

  • Shouts of people playing on the soccer field
  •  Cars driving in the parking lot to the left
  • The howling wind

4. List sounds closest to you.

  • My footsteps
  • My keys and coins jingling in my coat pocket
  • The tree branches and shaking

5.  Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.

Despite there being a lot of sounds occurring at the same time the sound level was pretty calm.  Also despite it being fairly chilly it seemed like a spring day and the sounds were a big part of it.  The sound of people playing outdoor sports on a sunny day creates a very spring feeling.

6. Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.


7.  Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.

  • People playing soccer
  • The wind
  • The shaking tree branches

Journal Entry #6

1.  3/2/14,  7:46pm, Penn Station LIRR waiting area

2. Identify the Sounds farthest from you:

  • A baby crying somewhere in the distance
  • Drumming from the small band setup outside the McDonalds
  • The soft pattering sound of footsteps

3.  Identify the Sounds at Medium range from you:

  • The voice over the loudspeaker announcing track numbers
  • The bustling of people with rolling luggage
  • The hand dryers from the bathroom

4.  Identify the sounds Closest to you:

  • The Women tapping her foot next to me
  • A child asking when the train is going to come repeatedly

5.  Describe the general sound level and amount of activity:

  • The sound level would have to be very high since there is so much activity and organized chaos going on.

6.  Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”

  • Bustling

7.  Three sounds essential to the sound environment:

  • The people walking
  • The women tapping her foot
  • The announcements over the loudspeaker

Journal Entry #5

1.  2/27/14,  3:00pm, Hammer Lab

2.  Identify and list the sounds closest to you:

  • The clicking of my keyboard
  • My stomach churning
  • The vibration of my phone when receiving a text

3.  Identify the sounds at medium range from you:

  • The sound of wind against the window
  • The printers beeping and making noises
  • Various typing sounds

4.  Identify the sounds farthest from you:

  • A small conversation from the other corner of the room
  • The opening and closing of the far door

5.  Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity:

The sound level is hushed but the activity is very high.  There are conversations and a lot of sounds happening but no one sound is dominating the space.

6.  Assign one word to describe the sound environment:


7.  Select three sounds that are essential to the sound environment:

  • Keyboards
  • The printers
  • The conversation from across the room