Posts Tagged ‘Library’

1- 4/10/2017

4:22 PM

Axinn Library, 6th Floor (Quiet Study Area)

2- A car passing on the road, the elevator dinging on another floor.
3- Other people in the library walking around.
4- My coughing. The typing of my laptop. My chair creaking as I shift my position.
5- Very low, and very little.
6- Dead.
7- My typing, my chair creaking, and the cars in the distance.

Date/Location: 3-5, 7:20pm, bottom floor of Library

far sounds: someone flipping through pages of a text book, someone cough

medium sounds: people talking, someone sniffle, clicking of a pen, placing a key or something on a table, someone typing on their laptop

close sounds: hum of my laptop, footsteps, people talking, someone laugh, a cough

sound level: medium

descriptive word: studious

3 important sounds: laptop hum, laptop keys tapping, textbook pages fliping

Tuesday 3/24, 11:30am, 7th floor of library

Closest: Girl in neighboring desk turning pages in her textbook, boy a few seats away erasing something rather furiously, me sipping my iced coffee

Medium: Library employee going through an aisle of books about twenty feet away and scanning them (quiet beep), someone trying to muffle their coughing

Farthest: Elevator doors opening, people talking in study rooms

One word: Hushed

3 sounds: pages turning, erasing, muffled coughing

1. Axinn Library 2/19/15, 1:45

2. Farthest-Air running, birds chirping, murmured voices, elevator dinging

3. Medium-rattling of the window due to wind, doors opening and closing, heavy exasperated sounding footsteps

4. Closest-bag crackling, vibrations of someone’s phone on the table

5. Everything is very sporadic, some sounds such as the air are continuous, others like the voices, bag crackling and door opening and closing interrupt the quiet.

6. One Word-unrest

7. Three essential sounds-bag crackling, footsteps, and the rattling of the window

1- Axinn Library, Wednesday April 8,  9:00 PM

2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.

  • People talking at the circulation desk
  • Somone ordering coffee
  • Pingning noise of the elevator

3- Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.

  • Someone is talking about Plato
  • Someone is printing something

4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you (You can include internal sounds if noticed or relevant).

  • Neighbor is shuffling papers
  • Someone is writing

5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.

It is very quiet here, and relaxing. Not too loud but just enough noise to tell you that everyone here is busy

6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.


7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment. Note: you need to try and figure out what sounds make up this environment and which of those sounds need to be there for the feeling of the environment to stay intact.

  • Writing next to me
  • Papers shuffling
  • Circulation desk conversation

1. 2/27/2014, 4:00 PM, Reference Room of Axinn Library

2. Identify the sounds farthest from you: The farthest sounds I can make out are whatever noises people from outside of the reference room are making.  I am not particularly close to the doors, but there seems to be an occasional loud person getting the attention of a friend in the “non-quiet” zone.  I cannot hear any sounds that are being made through the library windows.

3. Identify the sounds at medium range: Because this room is reserved for silent working, I feel that any cough or shift is magnified because it stands so alone.  Today, there is a lovely rule breaking gentleman on his phone.  It seems as if he is trying to fool us all by walking behind the stacks of reference materials and moving closer to the window and distancing himself from the cubicles, but I can still hear that he is talking to a friend about plans for tomorrow night.  I can also hear, very clearly, coughing and sniffling from the other cubicles.

4. Identify the sounds closest to you: Closest to me, I can hear the keyboards of the Macs occupying the cubicles on either side of mine and a little bit of the one behind me.  The light above my desk is buzzing extremely faintly, but I can still hear the buzz of it.  I can also hear my jeans moving against the chair when I shift in my seat.  I have cleared my throat a few times since I have been listening as well.

5. General sound level and activity: The general sound level is extremely low.  However, the sounds that I do hear represent plenty of activity because of how they are paced.  This room does not provide the best study environment for me because the general level of sound and activity is too low for me. It makes me feel sleepy.

6. One word to describe the sound environment: Critical

7. 3 essential sounds to the sound environment: 

-The typing on keyboards

-The occasional cough

-The cubicle light buzzing

Georgia Andre’

Sound Environment Observation 2 – Hofstra University, Axinn Library


1-    Date/Time/Location

–         February 9, 2012 / 1opm /  Hofstra University, Axinn Library, Main Floor between Pura Vida Cafe & Circulation Desk

2-    Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.

–         Sound of people typing on the public computers, sound of Spanish being spoken in the Pura Vida Cafe, The Hum of the Espresso Machines, People whispering in study groups by the windows, Opening and closing of main doors, Opening and closing of the elevator, Security Scanners

3-    Identify and list the sounds at medium range from you.

–         People talking at the Circulation desk, The Espresso Machines lulling

4-    Identify and list the sounds closest to you.

–         People chatting at the Circulation desk, my fingers on my laptop keyboard, foot tapping on the ground

5-    Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.

–         The sound level is rather loud when you focus on it. The noise cumulatively creates a loud murmur throughout the main floor. The main floor has a sort of echo in certain locations, and the circulation desk conversations can be heard loud and clear from the center island tables and chairs where I’m located. This main floor library location creates a sort of surround-sound-effect because a lot of noises are going on at the same time between – bleeping if a book is taken out wrong, conversations at the circulation desk, bleeping to take a book out, the opening and closing of the library doors, the elevator going up – down – and opening/closing, the pura vida cafe, people who work at the cafe and speak mostly in Spanish, people holding group study sessions whispering/chatting, people on their computers/library computers typing.

6-    Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.

–         Pzazz 

7-    Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.

–         Espresso Machine Lull, Keyboard Typing Sound, Bleeping of Books/Security Scanners

1- 2/17/11, 6 pm, Axinn Library first floor.

2- Doors opening, the sounds of the expresso machine working.

3- People typing, mouses clicking, people looking through books.

4- My stomach rumbling, my jewelry scrapping against the keyboard, people talking softly.

5- Its quiet and peaceful.

6- Soft.

7- Clicking on the keyboard, expresso machines, people talking softly

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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