Journal Entry 6

  1. When/Where: March 3rd, 2016; 12:05 p.m.; Bits n’ Bytes
  2. Farthest: People walking in through the doors chatting, a worker changing the trash bag
  3. Medium: The football game on the TV, people in surrounding tables talking, one table laughing hysterically
  4. Closest: My friend eating her salad, my other friend clanking her glass bottle on the table, my keys tapping as I type
  5. Sound level: loud
  6. One Word: boisterous
  7. Three Words: chatting, football, eating

Journal Entry 5

  1. When/Where: February 25th, 2016. 7:57 p.m. Monroe Lecture Hall audience of Hamlet
  2. Farthest: People in the hallway outside of the house doors chatting and walking in
  3. Medium: Audience members talking and laughing, getting ready for the show to begin
  4. Closest: My friends talking about the cast members and what they’ve heard about the show
  5. Sound level: loud
  6. One Word: chatty
  7. Three Words: talking, anticipation, laughter

Journal Entry 3

  1. 2/11/2016, Blackbox, As You Like It rehearsal, 7:13 p.m.
  2. Farthest: footsteps on the set, Maya and Bryan wrestling and running their lines, Kara giving instructions, Sampson hammering foam, a buzzing of the a.c.
  3. Medium: Dabney and Ally having a conversation, Marie talking to Caroline, Andrew walking along the set
  4. Closest: Amber and I typing, her taking sips of her coffee
  5. Sound level: medium
  6. One Word: clamorous
  7. 3 Essential Words: running, hammering, typing

Journal Entry 2

  1. 2/04/16, 11:30 a.m., Au Bon Pain.
  2. Farthest: sound of cashier ringing people up, conversations around the seating area, 80’s pop song playing.
  3. Medium: the conversation of 2 women sitting at the table next to me as well as the tapping of their keys as they type on their laptops, crunching of the food wrappers from the table behind me.
  4. Closest: the sound of my keys as I type, the ice rattling in my cup as I drink my iced tea.
  5. Sound level: loud. Every table is full of people having their own conversations and the music volume is quite high.
  6. One word: Energetic.
  7. 3 Words: talking, music, crunching.

Journal Entry 1

January 31st 12:07pm Dorm Room

Farthest: tapping outside, cars passing by

Medium: bathroom door swinging, trash can being moved, people upstairs moving around, toilet flushing

Closest: fish tank motor humming, roommates alarm, roommate moving around in bed

Sound Level: Moderately loud.

One word: busy

Three essential sounds: fish tank motor, cars outside, bathroom door

Journal Entry 1

  1. 1/31/16, 7:30 p.m., My dorm
  2. Farthest: People emptying their trash, the elevator beeping, my neighbor talking outside her room to a friend
  3. Medium: My music playing Lana Del Rey, my roommate talking on the phone to her mom.
  4. Closest: The heater that’s on right next to my desk, the sound of my nails hitting the keys as I type.
  5. Sound level: Medium. The only thing that’s relatively loud is my music playing, everything else is just the sound of normal, day to day activities.
  6. One word: Ordinary.
  7. 3 Words: music, conversations, tapping

Sound Journal #1 (Ezra)

  1. 2015-01-29, 3:28 pm, RSR booth in Netherlands South
  2. farthest: Group of girls sitting on the couches and talking. “Are we gonna study or party? Study!” The sliding door between me and them cuts their conversation between crystal clear and incoherently muffled. Other groups talking as they leave and enter the Netherlands Core. Very faintly, the sliding of the door to outside. Cars honking.
  3. medium: Sliding front door, IDs swiping through the reader & the following beep, turnstile unlocking and turning, sliding back door. Sliding back door, swinging push door behind me, swinging push door to my left, sliding front door. Residents talking throughout, their conversations circling around me.
  4. close: High-pitched wine of the security footage on a tube TV (the volume depends on which way I turn my head). Hum of heating system. Different, subtle hum of electronics—not a whine, definitely a hum. Typing as I write this. My breathing is silent.
  5. sound level: varying. Almost shockingly loud as residents come through. Almost silent and very lulling when there’s no one around.
  6. one word: erratic.
  7. three sounds: sliding doors, ID swipe & following beep, and audible/discernible conversation.