Journal Entry # 9


1- 04/04/2013- 9:08pm- Black Box Theater New Academic Building (NAB) Rehearsal for 5 Women.

2- Sounds farthest away: High-pitched but quiet hum of what could be a heater, radiator or lights.

3- Sounds at medium range: Eliza (Meredith) yelling at Sophie (Mindy), Meredith rips a piece of paper. Corinne (Trisha) putting make up away, Morgan’s (Georganne) skirt ruffles against her seat in the audience as she gets up for her upcoming cue.

4- Sounds closest: The sound of my paper crinkling as I write notes, the pencil rubbing against the paper. As I take an occasional bite of pizza, I hear the ripping crunch and then squish and crunch as I chew. Tom takes a swig of water from his water bottle.

5- General sound level and amount of sound activity: Sound level is very high as there is much sound activity including internal and external sounds with screams, paper rips, crinkling, and general movement. Sounds like everything’s falling apart.

6- One word description to the “sound environment”: Ripping.

7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.: Meredith screaming, ripping paper, rip and crunch of pizza.