Field Recording #6 – Ash Boone

My friends and I (Brennan, Tori, Arianna, and Dianté) sitting in the Bread Box (Brennan’s car) in the parking garage of Roosevelt Field Mall on the evening of Free Pretzel Day at Auntie Anne’s. I intended to record just the sounds of the parking garage, but a spider had entered the car and landed on me and Brennan lost it. Tori is cracking up, Arianna is wondering if I had started recording yet, and Dianté is jamming to music.

Journal Entry #9 – Barone

  1. Date: 3/25/20 – Time: 10:30pm – Location: My Home (Carmel, NY)
  2. The farthest sounds from me are the downstairs TV playing and my mom screaming in shock at the TV.
  3. In the medium range of sound, I can hear my brother’s laptop playing a video in his room across the hallway.
  4. The closest sounds from me are my fingers fluttering and typing on my keyboard.
  5. The general sound level is very noisy and the amount of sound activity is wide-ranging since there are a lot of sounds being made all around the house.
  6. One word to describe the “sound environment” is irritating.
  7. 3 things that are essential to the “sound environment” is my mom screaming at the TV, my brother’s laptop playing a video, and my fingers fluttering. 

Journal Entry # 9


1- 04/04/2013- 9:08pm- Black Box Theater New Academic Building (NAB) Rehearsal for 5 Women.

2- Sounds farthest away: High-pitched but quiet hum of what could be a heater, radiator or lights.

3- Sounds at medium range: Eliza (Meredith) yelling at Sophie (Mindy), Meredith rips a piece of paper. Corinne (Trisha) putting make up away, Morgan’s (Georganne) skirt ruffles against her seat in the audience as she gets up for her upcoming cue.

4- Sounds closest: The sound of my paper crinkling as I write notes, the pencil rubbing against the paper. As I take an occasional bite of pizza, I hear the ripping crunch and then squish and crunch as I chew. Tom takes a swig of water from his water bottle.

5- General sound level and amount of sound activity: Sound level is very high as there is much sound activity including internal and external sounds with screams, paper rips, crinkling, and general movement. Sounds like everything’s falling apart.

6- One word description to the “sound environment”: Ripping.

7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.: Meredith screaming, ripping paper, rip and crunch of pizza.